“Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.”

John 11:11

I am not religious, I do believe in God, and John Wayne.

My brand spanking new $1000 (today’s price CDN)  LIFEP04 24v 100Ah was dead.  I had it directly connected to my input on my Bluetti. That story is in a previous post.  My fault, I fell asleep with my Bluetti on, and it drained my LFP so low my charger couldn’t see it.

Like I said in my Bluetti post, my monitoring solution is on its way.

I carried the 48-pound battery down the stairs, yes with a broken back, and damaged knees. One step at a time. I got it set up on an end table I made when I was more active.

I spent time yesterday looking for an answer to my problem. All the answers out there were for 12v batteries. I needed a 24v answer. I did have two almost-dead 12v AGM. I wonder if that would help.

I contacted Red O D O tech support. This is what they said.

Hello Rod,
I might have misunderstood your battery question ☹ So sorry.
Are you meaning your battery BMS is being cut off for over-discharging?
If yes, you need to cut off the load of the battery and put the battery aside for 30mins. Then the battery will automatically recover itself to normal voltage (>20V) and can be used after fully charged.
If the battery is unable to recover itself after above steps, please try activating by one of below two methods. After activated (voltage > 20V) and fully charged by normal charging method, it can be used normally.

Method ① Connect a 36V solar panel directly to charge the battery without a controller for 10~30mins in sunny daytime

Method ② Connect the battery with a charger with 0V charging function (it can charge the battery starting from 0V) to charge the battery.

Here we have been under a large cloud of wildfire smoke since early May. Solar was not an option. Some days I can see the sun through the haze, but my solar panels can’t. I don’t own a charger that can revive dead LFP. My MPPT charge controller was about ten years old, I didn’t have the manuals, and I am sure the company didn’t exist anymore.

It turned out one of the AGMs was dead. I had my old dead van battery sitting in the battery room. That and the almost functioning other AGM that I hoped would do the job. I hooked them in series as best I could with what wire I could find. I measured the voltage, 19 volts, and that was after charging.

I repeated what I saw in the video. I connected the neg cable to the neg on the LFP and just touched the positive for a second. I heard a click inside the battery.

Thank you So much, Professor Hobo.

It had come back to life. So I named the battery Lazarus. I put on the charging cables. It hesitated for a forever moment, then it started to charge.

BTW, Frankenstein was the name of the doctor, not the monster. Yes, my hair looks like Wilder’s. ?

It is charging now. It will take two days at 10 AMPS or 10 hours, maybe more. I will check it in a few hours.  Ya go for the more it has been charging for three hours it is at ten percent.

After burning 5 liters of gas, that’s a gallon more or less for some people, I stopped the gen for the day.

At 5 PM my time, the charger was reporting either 44 Ah used or 20 percent full.

UPDATE: Day two charging all day, the charger shows 48.4 Ah used or stored, not sure which. It still shows 20 % full. Refilling this battery is getting expensive.

Tomorrow we will try again.

I learned my lesson. I will be a lot more diligent about my voltage levels in the future.⚡

Thanks for reading,    … Pilgrim.

Have a John Wayne movie on me and YouTube and of course the Grjngo – Western Movies channel One of my favorite JW movies.