“A blog is neither a diary nor a journal. Many people think of blogging in relation to those two things, confessional or practical. It is neither but includes elements of both.”

Lemn Sissay

I am not sure why I am starting a new blog, but I am. Maybe it is, so I can keep track of my progress or demise.

Pain today 10

Supplements taken ginkgo 60 mg Vitamin d3 1000 b12 2500 MCG pain killers taken :none I don’t do those, no pharma, just aspirin low dose once a day.

Appearance: haggard biker

One packet of ginseng tea mixed in with my morning coffee. On my second coffee that will last me all day.

Walking like a zombie.

Speech aphasia none but I didn’t speak to anyone. Typing words was difficult today the letters were in the wrong order relied heavily on spell check to fix the mistakes.

All my joints hurt, dizzy, headache, tinnitus is bad. My left ankle hurts never had an injury there. My left elbow is sore no injury there either. Muscles hurt everywhere. Something weird with my teeth. Yesterday a front tooth hurt when I bite down, today it is fine and now another one hurts. Memory seems okay today. I managed to remember enough to get this site up

Straight from Accuweather

I need to get outside to chop a little wood. I need to chainsaw some more blocks. I am out of wood to chop. Not sure I could handle swinging the saw today. I have enough wood to last till tomorrow. But if I am worse I will have a very bad time.

It is not sunny but gray. It was supposed to snow and it will later. Solar panels not charging much. I will have to run the generator later. It means lifting it outside and filling it full of gas. I have muscle weakness so now the eighty-pound generator feels like 120 pounds (ca. 54 kg). I can still manage it. I will also go out and fill pans I have for snowmelt.  so I can wash and the cats have drinking water. I haven’t been able to do a grocery trip to the big city in two months. Shopping locally is too expensive and my meager disability money is disappearing quick. I will try to do that as soon as it warms up.


Update: Ya can’t leave the wheelbarrow empty. Especially with snow coming they often get the weather wrong here.  Now when they say 3 cm of snow coming could be 30 cm. when they say -30 they should be saying -35. So I put on my snow pants, and boots start the music app on my phone. Put on my headgear including the Bluetooth hearing protection. Hit the power button to hear familiar words. ” Power on battery high Bluetooth connected” Then the tunes start playing. I put on the rest of my gear groovin to the tunes. Gary Glitter is playing, funny how music can motivate you. I grab the chainsaw and wheelbarrow and head for the log pile.

Ten or twelve hard pulls the chainsaw is singing through pine logs. A stop every few minutes to clear the cut logs and throw them a little closer to the chopping block. I won’t lie to you, I was looking for as many skinny logs as I could find. Today is a hard day to be me. Halfway through the cutting, my wrist gave out. Once I drove 12 hours to see a surgeon to repair it, and he refused, so he could save the government money. The gov withheld money from the doctors and I find out pharmacists to lower healthcare cost. But what was accomplished was healthcare for people like me eliminated.

Then it was on my knees, to throw logs closer to the choppin block as I am still listening to the hard rock, when Cyndi starts singing girls just wanna have fun WTF.  I hit the power button twice to skip the song and AC/DC gets me through the next phase, the choppin. Log on the block I swing the old maul and thank God it goes right through. It doesn’t always happen like that , sometimes the maul bounces right off or buries into the log and the only way out is to take the 12-pound maul and drive it through. Oh yea did I mention my wrist gave out. Just one more thing.

I fill a mediocre load and manage a painful shuffle behind the wheelbarrow to get it to the house. I knew snow was coming, so I had to stack the remaining logs, so I could find them again, a tactic that has saved me many a time out here.  I read somewhere you can tell how good a man was by how soon he stacked his cut wood.  hahaha I am not sure if that’s true but my wood is stacked.

I had to rest when I got it to the door huffin and puffin like a 98-year old heavy smoker. I open the door put the chainsaw inside grab the oversized stainless bowl and wander out to some fresh snow. Drop to my knees and pull enough snow to fill it. I had doubts on whether or not I would make it up again hahaha. With a few groans, I manage to get the two-foot bowl inside and up on the woodstove. In a few hours, I would have a bowl full of water enough to fill all the cats’ bowls and maybe even enough for me to wash my face.

Back outside to grab the wheelbarrow, push it up the ramp into the house and next to the fire. That seems to be the hardest part of the journey I am sure it’s because it is at the end. I am done, just need to peel off the warm clothes, power off my headset and collapse into my chair, so I can update this page.

Last update of the day. Tonight after my nap, I had bad pain in my left kidney, bad headache having a hard time concentrating, so I just laid down and watched a movie “Lucy”

I have seen it before but couldn’t remember most of it. This whole thing is a little scary I feel sometimes I am losing who I was. Maybe that’s a good thing.

my primary saw
