“I understand how hard it is to talk to people about MS. You don’t want pity or random advice.”

Teri Garr

I did something not smart. I loaded the woodstove before I went to sleep but forgot to turn it down. It was 40c when I woke up three hours later. I opened the door to my woodwork shop and let the cool air in there to flow into my living space. The temp in there was -10, ten minutes later it was plus ten and the temp in here was down to 25c.

What I did notice is that I had very little numbness, no fatigue, no dizziness. I didn’t have to make loud noises to get out of bed no zombie walk. What if the real link is not Vitamin d but temperature?

Or was this just one of the periods between relapses, I don’t know enough about this. I am new. At 61 years old and knowing the amount of things I know (self-proclaimed polymath), or used to know hahaha. I have to admit I am not sure. I will have to spend more hours researching.

As far as I know the vitamins I am taking are helping. I have lots of questions but no one to ask.

Supplements today: 2000 iu Vitamin d3 60 mg Ginkgo. 2500 mcg b12. And some coffee from a few hours ago with ginseng tea mixed in. Oh I almost forgot I chewed about a teaspoon of dried ginseng root. I just like the texture. I read I am supposed to avoid that. I never really was good at following rules.

On to the weather we are going to have a warm spell for this part of the country and a very bi-polar weather report to go with it. We are about to have a snowfall event with no snow. Good news the day got three minutes longer in the last three days.









Well it was 5:30 am when I wrote that, I went back to sleep for a while,  it is now 10:30 am. I woke because my arm was numb from my shoulder to hand. When I was talking about no pain, it was about the extreme pain I have felt last couple of days. Not the normal pain I get from my accidents and probably arthritis. That pain is a constant 5, and it never stops. I got used to it.

I never talked about depression.

In the last seven years:
I caught my sociopath x wife cheating, had her steal money and leave me with the bills. Had her poison my kids against me.
Lost my business, Had one Harley repoed, had a church member sabotage my new Jeep, then that got repoed. Had to sell my other Harley and a lot of other stuff just to survive that. Not to mention all the hatred and anxiety that caused.

Barely able to hang on to my land, two days after my birthday, blinded by the sun and a little frost on my window, I pulled out in front of a pickup with a full fuel tank on the back travelling too fast. Broke my neck and back and a lot of other parts. I spent my Christmas in the hospital with a bad surgeon who could not stick to one plan to fix me. He had four different plans.  Even tried using a halo, a  mid-evil torture device that has to be screwed into your skull. Only he over tourqued the screws, and they tore out of my headviolently and snapped my neck over Yea the freshly broken neck.

Somehow there was no report about that incident or the device ever being used on me. Almost as if it never happened, the picture above was taken minutes before that happened by a friend who witnessed the event.

He told me he would go through the back of my neck and add a titanium plate. But kept telling me the parts were lost in shipping, it was a lie he used the parts on another patient. I met him later. Finally, choosing a very invasive surgery called ACDF.

I had no consultation about the procedure until I was being wheeled into the operating already feeling the effects of anesthesia. I seem to remember oh yeah and this may leave you paralyzed for life blah blah blah.

The surgeon cut a four-inch hole in my throat and replaced the disc between C1 and C2 put in some bone from the bone bank and added a titanium plate to hold it all together. He only got three of the four screws installed no explanation why.

For fun, he had the nurse cut my beard into 1970 mutton chops, and they all have a laugh about that. And is still laughing about that.

This happened on boxing day 2014, which caused me to have problems swallowing and to lose a vocal cord.

The injury that was causing me intense pain was ignored. I had a compression fracture at T6 that should have been repaired. I tried very hard to communicate that, but instead, a phsyco head nurse used that as an excuse to torture. And she found horrible ways to torture someone she was supposed to be given care to. Then she convinced the other nurses I deserved that because I was non-compliant. It is a code word that was freely passed on from one nurse to the other that told them it is okay to treat this one bad. During all that time I never treated anyone bad never raised my voice, never got angry.

Then before I was able to drink water a very foul administrator, probably convinced by the physco nurse told me I had an hour to vacate my bed.

I wasn’t in any shape to leave. Every idiot knows you can only live three days without water. I would have died. Except for a friend, I won’t mention a name here, got me an on phone consultation with a doctor who got me a room in another hospital. Then I wasn’t transported in an ambulance but in a van, with a nasty driver who played some very bad music and had the heat on so high, I could barely breathe. I was about to puke. So I asked him if he liked yogurt. He answered yes. I said good. “If you don’t turn down that music and heat I am going to cover you and your van with it.” This was three days after having spinal surgery.

Then I had to deal with the insurance company before I even left the second hospital I knew I was going to get screwed over.

They told me I needed to do my taxes from the previous year before they would pay me anything. While I was laying in pain in a hospital bed.

Then before I even got home I got a call from a slimeball tax collector from Revenue Canada named Joe Levesque. I told him I was in a car accident and was in the hospital. He and a woman named Sarnjeet Singh kept my Bank account frozen for four years. He would go on later to seize my disability money from the insurance company leaving me with no money for food. No problem there was welfare. Now there is an interesting bunch of people, from the Alberta Government.

I told them what the federal government was doing. I was told that the seized money I never received, was income, and they were deducting that amount from my cheque. That would have left me with two hundred dollars to live on. Is anyone reading this, ever tried to pay bills and eat on that amount or even just tried to buy enough food to survive, while you are trying to heal from extreme injuries and Don’t forget chop wood. If it wasn’t for a food donation from a non-profit called the secret angels I would not have died.

At the same time, I was applying for permanent disability. I was refused for that. I found out later the same doctor that saved me and got me a bed in a second hospital told AISH. That I wasn’t even hurt.  That I had no injuries. Why? Because I had told him that the pocket knife he was so proud of was not really genuine that it was a replica of an old process lost to history. I also found out he was senile and when you look at his rating on the internet it was extremely low, for similar incidents with other patients. He is still giving advice as a doctor. He cost me a year of AISH income out of petty spite.

“Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.” 


While I was going through all this I had almost no income, no food. No vehicle. It would take some extreme measures for me to finally get my Aish payment a year later. A government employee I can’t mention made a call to the minister in charge of welfare. I got a call from welfare saying that they must have misunderstood what I said and a welfare cheque with the back pay would be available immediately. There was no misunderstanding just more ignorant people.

Now about that depression, you bet I got depressed. There is more there is a drunken neighbor that harassed me for four years every chance he got. I never even met him Just a bully showing off to his friends by harassing the disabled. Fuckin low life coward. I was never afraid of him but was certainly afraid of going to jail because of him.

So my depression I think is normal. It has just been a state of mind for me. I just keep getting up and doing what needs doing.

I hope one day I can get to the things I want to do done, energy and pain levels make that almost impossible, I am determined. Even with all the adversity and pain, I still managed to accomplish a few things. Things that normally take a few hours takes me weeks, even months and years to carry out. I am not writing this for pity or to make you sad. Last thing in the world I need or want is that.

More updates later the wheelbarrow is empty and so is the pantry and my belly. I will have to do something about that.

Well didn’t chop wood but spend time in my wood workshop. Just sweeping up getting ready to do work. 45 minutes of cleaning I am exhausted need to rest. It is starting to get dark here. I am hoping with the warmer temps I won’t go through so much wood, and make it through the night. Bye gotta nap now.

Last thing I got fridge motor tinnitus tonight. That’s the worst one. I forgot to mention that I eat a clove of garlic fresh in my food every day. It used to help with fatigue but now I believe my body has got used to the effects. I still eat one every day. Along with some organic olive oil and organic apple cider vinegar. I don’t know if it helps, but it couldn’t hurt.

More about garlic here.