“You can’t get too much winter in the winter.”

Robert Frost

Woke up before daylight, not hard to do here in the winter. Had extreme fatigue and could hardly shuffle to get to the fire. Same thing woke me as it always does, the need to pee. I haven’t mentioned the frequent need to urinate. I will get to writing my symptom page soon. Haha I f I remember to do that. I need the page because I forget what my symptoms are. Like my last doctors visit. I couldn’t remember what they were. In one of the mayo clinics articles about MS they said to write them down before seeing the doctor and also said to bring a friend, so they could remember what the doctor said. Well that one is tough. I only have one friend and I haven’t seen her in a year. We text each other, but we don’t really have conversations very often.

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I will write more later. I hope to start building my version of the trump wall. I dream of having a kitchen without finding fresh cat urine on the counter or mounds of cat hair everywhere. Ya they do that and worse. So I will separate my open-plan living room with a wall. It is the reason I started to clean my wood work shop yesterday. I will try to get some more cleaning done, so I can rip some boards on the table saw to do the framing. I estimate it will take me four or five days to do the wall. Something that would have taken me half a day before. Yes I will post pictures when it is done.

Pain today 7, got bad pain in left kidney area. Walking: shuffling like a badly damaged zombie. Eyesight is bad. Typing is not bad today. Memory is okay. I remembered to put the coffee in the filter before pouring the water through. 😀 I did forget to drink it when it was hot hahaha

I need to chainsaw and chop but the weather is warmer I will see if I can scrounge up enough blocks to chop to get me through the night.

Stopped to have a bite just put a screen door up in my wood workshop, so I can heat the shop and keep the cats out. They love that fresh sawdust, but what they do in it just ain’t not acceptable. Good English for a writer huh?

Anyways having some mushroom soup out of the can (saves on water no dishes), added my garlic, organic olive oil and organic apple cider vinegar. That’s a mouthful if you are reading any of this just assume I buy organic when I can find it. It’s just like eating mushroom jello.

Ya I know what you are thinking I need a wife hahahaha. There is none to be found. They start walking when they find out I am not rich, they pick up speed when they find out I am disabled, when they hear I might have MS by then they are at a flat run screaming and waving their arms, and they are gone. hahaha

Today’s haul 400 lbs

Just got in from wood choppin, forgot I needed to finish the cat boxes So I put on the snow boots I already took off,  I slowly trudge out to the van looking like a zombie with no prospects, grab a 40 pound bag of wood pellets, feels like 80 pounds. I fill all the cat boxes put them in the desired locations.

Next Go down to the garage and fill two cans with gas. Fill the generator, get the generator outside.  Start the thing tuck it into its home close up the shelter. Stumble down to my desk, so I can type this.

I just remembered I have to go outside one more time, maybe two. I forgot to feed the birds and I need some snow to melt for the cats water. Time to put on the boots again. The exciting thing my wood workshop is almost 15 degrees, on the bad side now I am too fatigued to do any work up there. Some days you win other days you are me.

Out to feed my little birds, cute little things, chickadee’s, sometimes they land on my hand and sing, pretty fuckin cool. About four of them might fit in my coffee cup so you know how small they are. I have about twenty of those and a few Bluejays I feed in the winter.