“I enjoyed carpentry, and it was very good to me for 12 years.”

Harrison Ford

4:00 AM. Woke up with terrible heat. I felt like I was in a furnace, but I was not sweaty. I guess it was a hot flash hahaha, not possible I am way too old for manopause.  Maybe I am not. I have tinnitus again this morning the normal ringing and now my right kidney hurts. Great way to start the day. I put water on for coffee. I wont be sleeping for a while.

5:40 AM Tinnitus has changed to fridge motor. Memory is bad right now. Went to lookup something on the web couldn’t remember what it was.

It’s 12:30 more soups, I was going to go to town but there is a freezing rain warning that has been extended. If you don’t know what that is, its rain that lands on  everything that is already at sub-zero temps. Freezes into sheets of ice that cover everything. I traveled in a freezing rain storm once the whole vehicle was covered in a half inch of ice. Highways were hell. When I stopped to get gas I had to pass money out a small gap in the window. Ya that was back in the day we had full serve. People would fill your tank, check your oil and even check your tires if you asked. It’s a different world now., I can see Ice on my solar panels, it means the highways will be hell.

Wait till tomorrow. I won’t die of starvation.  I got soups.

My bones are hurting everywhere fingers especially typing is difficult due to that. I am going to attempt work in my wood work shop again. It will be no use trying chainsaw wood with Ice all over, it would be dangerous, especially with an older man with balance problems. I would get it done if it needed doing but the warm temps mean I am not burning as much wood. So I may have enough from yesterday to keep me going.


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It is 3 in the afternoon here. I just worked in my shop for a couple of hours.  Just putting up a shelf for my wood lathe. I was extremely warm and dizzy the whole time. It is not really warm in there. It should have taken me 1/2 an hour to do what I did. But it doesn’t matter. I am going to eat now, just did my vitamins b12, ginkgo, d3, with food. Curious to see if that makes a difference. Going to try to go back to the shop later May have to have a nap before.

I got very sick maybe from exerting myself too much. Ridiculous I didn’t do much. Enough I guess.

9 pm: Pain is bad. Watching an old movie to keep distracted. Oh well, I am not the only one. I keep on keepin on.

I saw these guys sing this in concert in 1983 At BC place in Vancouver. We were all younger then.