The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.
Vince Lombardi

Another day

Today my eyesight is fuzzy again, pain in every joint that may be arthritis. Hands and elbows are sore, probably from the wood chopping yesterday. No fatigue and no dizziness today. Temp outside -16 snowing -26 by tonight. I will have to go out and chainsaw and chop later.

Going to be a mundane day. I had to google that to know that words full meaning, and ya it fits. Today is sweeping, cleaning out cat boxes, putting away laundry, and then out in the cold to chainsaw and chop. I like to be a bit ahead on that. The big snowstorm I expected today is delayed until Saturday. Now that doesn’t mean it won’t get here sooner. Winter weather here is really unpredictable. You live with what you get. I don’t mean to make my life sound so dull. These are just maintenance things that I have to do to survive out here.

The fun things, I may get to work in my wood workshop today, I bought a tarot root that had started to sprout. I wanted to try planting it to see what I get. I like growing things but I really need to get a bigger set of windows to allow light in here. It’s on my list. And maybe later I will get to spend a little time doing design work on the computer. I enjoy doing that.

Well, it is almost 2 pm here. I got so busy cleaning my office, I forgot 4 cats outside. I just let them they were completely white from the falling snow. Don’t worry they fur coats on. Louis one of my biggest and oldest cats took off from a kennel and was lost for a month while I was in the hospital. It was -42 in the daytime that winter.  I had a chat with God and said there was no reason that he couldn’t be returned. An hour later I.  Got a call saying he showed up. True story. The cat came back the very same day.

Now about my office and really where I sleep and do most of my living. I have neglected cleaning up in there for a while. The sawdust was bad and everywhere. When you chainsaw logs in the winter the sawdust is injected into the snow on the logs below where you are cutting. That freezes. With me so far.

When those logs, are cut, there is a layer of snow, ice and sawdust frozen on the outside. Not even chopping gets rid of that. So now I have brought the chopped firewood inside. Sawdust included. The warm air melts the ice and sawdust, which now falls when you move the logs. 6 turbo kittens then distribute that with cat hair mixed in to every corner of the house at warp speed. I don’t let them in my office but I wear socks. Guess what I bring in there. This stuff should be added to the periodic table. It sticks to everything and has an eternal half-life. The first thing I think of when I see it is lines from a  young Frankenstein movie.

I swept enough of that stuff out of my office, to power my wood stove for an hour. Has to be swept by hand and in the corners with a whisk broom, it is the only weapon that will defeat the stuff. It will make the strongest of vacuums weep and beg forgiveness. Anyways you get the idea.

The stuff is sitting in a big pile right outside my office door I have to get back to work before that stuff eats a kitten. Decided that coffee and sandwiches were needed to keep my strength up. Man that cup of coffee is perfect, not because I did anything different making it. Cause it always tastes better after accomplishing something good. 😀

I just woke from my second nap, the same reason as before. It was light outside and I needed some wood pellets out of the van. I noticed the solar panels were covered in fresh snow. I decided to give them a sweep. I was sure it was early morning. I got inside got on my computer and it said it was 9:35 pm. I was sure that it had not updated itself, so I started my phone. The time was correct.

Not good it meant I was wide awake, it was still the same day and not morning. The good thing the fire needed loading which I did. I filled the cat’s litter box which needed doing and even had a little cold coffee left in my cup. What I don’t waste, you have to pay extra for cold coffee at a fast-food joint. That is at least a two-hour drive from here at this time of night.

I didn’t feel fatigued, or dizzy or in any real pain just my hands. For me, rest is a fixer. I am sure I read that somewhere but all the reading in the world doesn’t make a difference till I find what works for me. Maybe the fatigue, and dizziness, spasms, numbness and all the rest would show up in while. Just have to wait and see. Memory I can’t remember if I took my vitamins and supplements again. I will have to set up a timer on my phone to remind me. So memory didn’t get better with rest. I will take them right now and this will be my reminder. Hmmmmn could use the pill container with the days of the week stamped on it. I know I own at least two, and they are somewhere. Oh yea that is where I put most of my stuff, Stuff I can’t find hahaha.

Until then, I will have to amuse myself with watching WordPress and Grammarly fight over who is right about the hidden verbs and passive voice. I should paid more attention to the lessons in grade 8 English instead of Miss Fitten’s dress lines.  Thank you Miss Fitten.  Look, I are a writer. It was wrong of the education system to put a hot school teacher wearing a mini skirt in a room full of hormone-driven teenagers. I blame them.