“If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it”.

Lucy Larcom

Minus 30 outside 5:40 am

I woke up from an epic dream, that was more like a movie. Rich in characters, plot lines. It was very deep in details. The scenery and even the vehicles. Another post-apocalyptic event but in the early stages. People were just adjusting to the event. Whatever the event was, It wasn’t important to the dream. More important was the interaction between the characters. It wasn’t about conflict but about loss. Loss of things important to the characters. Mostly the loss of friends and family. I was an amazing dream but I woke depressed about it.

Now in real life, I don’t enjoy movies that have bad endings, the one where the evil guy wins, the good guy dies for no reason, or the guy doesn’t get the girl. Maybe it’s because my life is nothing but hard, all about loss. I lost the most important things in my life. Some were family, some were material things. The most insidious loss, is the loss of the ability to do the things I used to do easily. I used to love chopping wood and building things. With a body broken the energy and effort to fight through the pain, to do the simple things are near impossible.

I have a friend who wonders how I keep doing what I do. My answer is always the same, it needs doing. This is my life

9:am Awake slept on and off since 6 pm last night. Pain is in my back, neck hands and wrists. Minor pain in knees and ankle.
I have to go out and chop more wood it is still minus 30 with wind. That makes it even colder, there are extreme cold warnings all around me, but not here. huh

Snow is coming in a few hours and it will continue snowing for two days. The cold will also continue for that long. Somehow I need to chop enough wood to get me through this storm. I am concerned about that. I didn’t last long out there yesterday, an hour at most and it was painful. I chopped enough for one night, but now running out again. Sunday it will be warmer, I just need to last until then. When Sunday comes I will need to spend four hours removing snow from the driveway and walkways and then back to choppin wood.

I get lots of suggestions from others but never ever an offer to help. I heard you can tell who your friends are when you need help to move, me I can tell them when I need to chop wood. I have none.

Time to finish my coffee put on my wrist brace, snow pants, sweaters, jackets bandanna, goggles hearing protection, wool hat, topped by a muskrat hat and my mismatched gloves one that doesn’t cover my wrist. I beat the sock monster by buying 30 pairs of the same socks. The glove monster is more evil he only takes the right glove of every pair 30 of them I have thirty left gloves, no rights. I have a basket full of gloves I collected from around the house. I have learned to put them in the same place. But the glove monster has eaten the half of all the sets. Ya I know it’s a memory thing. Just like the toilet monster and the sock monster, and the easter bunny they don’t really exist. Or do they hahahahahaha

OMG they exist , glove monsters and people make them. Click on the pic to learn how to make your own. Are they the ones behind all my missing gloves 😀 Maybe.
Snowing heavy out there about to gear up and chop chop chop. Yup yup yup.

Back inside. Ya I should have known, that when it snows it is usually a bit warmer. No matter what the weatherman says. I overdressed it was hard to move in all the clothes. Snow was coming down heavy. You won’t see it on today’s pics.

snow melt for the cats

the logs for choppin


man sized load

I was sweating like crazy when I got to the door. I got the man-sized (first time in a long time I  did one of those)load of firewood through the door and grabbed my generator and gassed it up. It’s been too dark to charge the solar batteries and too cold to run the gen.

I got all the extra clothes off. I was soaked, then remembered my little chickadees. They probably needed some food and the steel bowl that I used to melt snow was empty.

So back outside just wearing my wet shirt and hoodie. Yes, I had sweat pants on. The cold really took care of the wet clothes I was freeze-dried.  I fed my little friends and got my big bowl of snow.

Now I am writing this. My eyesight is bad right now, eyeballs hurt, and I am on my phone wishing it was a tablet. Oh ya for my reference I took my vitamins d3 200 ginkgo 240 b12 and my aspirin. Or else I would forget.