“Kindness is like snow—it beautifies everything it covers.”

Kahlil Gibran


Good so far.
Just did snow removal. I hurt now in places where there were no previous injuries and place where they were especially my back. My knees, ankle, wrist, and the fleshy part behind my thumbs. Those made it very painful to hang on to the controls of the snowblower. I was thankful the grader did the lions share of my driveway. For those of you that live in warmer countries. A grader is a big machine with many blades, used to keep roads flat in the summer and plow snow in the winter. He is obligated to do the first twenty feet of my driveway. He did more like 80 feet (ca. 24 m).

Now my county has a policy of cleaning driveways for the disabled, like me, but I have to present them with a disability plaque. Something I have been meaning to do for a very long time. Last time I tried was with a very ignorant doctor in Spirit River, we had to have a verbal fight about it. It seems he was worried more about his reputation, than he was being a doctor. I just read his online review and it was bad. He is the same doctor that told my government I was not disabled and not hurt. That cost me a year of benefits. While I waited for an MRI that proved I was not only damaged but getting worse. I obtained copies of my medicals records, and he knew that the diagnostic imaging doctor had said so. A year before.

There is a lot more to the story than that and one day I will dedicate a post to the abuses of my government and doctors.
But not today.

Now the driveway is clear I need to go back out and chop wood. Yup needs doing. Having a coffee and some yogurt. And I think I will kill some drug crazed religious cultists before I go out again. Not in real but on my xbox.

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Just got in from the chop. 500lbs today. Not bad for my second big job of the day.pictures to follow soon as I recover 😀

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