“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.”
Robert A. Heinlein

Not sure what to write. Pain is minimal today. I am walking better than my usual zombie shuffle. It is warm outside for this time of year. The weather say it’s -14.  I was out earlier to sweep last nights sprinkle of snow off the solar panels. Feels more like -10. I did the same stupid thing I always do I emptied the wheelbarrow and filled the log hoop. Problem same as always. Now the wheelbarrow is empty, means I need to go out and fill it again. Other problem only two logs out there, I will have to fire up the chainsaw. I just don’t feel like doing that, but probably will.

I heated up the kettle on the wood stove and now having a hot coffee as a result. I see there is new episode of true detective going to watch that. Yak at you later. Yup I am taking my vitamins now.

It’s that time again. Litter boxes, not my fav job but like everything else it needs doing. I use wood pellets as cat litter, yup you guessed it. I burn it in the wood stove. My cats help heat the house. Rules fill the stove quickly over hot coals add wood and don’t open the door until burned. I have five boxes , but need more, I just found a new place they have been doing their business. I store paint cans to keep from freezing in my clothes closet. I discovered it’s a new place to pee and poop, on top of the paint cans. Add that to the kitchen counter, the dust pan, any bowls left out. On anything cloth left on the floor. The other day I was sitting in my office and a boy cat I don’t usually let in there climbed on the back of the couch, lifted his tail and sprayed the wall, while looking me in the eye.

Why do I like cats? Best not ask me that today. They need a home, I have one, it’s winter, I don’t have the meanness in me to shoot them. The truth is I love them but I have too many. I don’t trust humans to give them too. I did that once, I had a lady ask me for twenty cats which I had ten years ago. I asked her how they were doing a few weeks later. She answered that she put them in the yard, and they disappeared the same day. Asshole.

Last summer a mean stray cat showed up at the door. I opened it to take a look. A cute little kitten ran out to meet it. It immediately grabbed it by the neck and tried to kill it. I threw a heavy flashlight at its ribs and it let go. I saved that little cat. Its head swoll up to twice it’s normal size. Then there was the rabies scare. The little kitten had to be isolated. Shots were ordered for me, I kept the little kitten company and would put on gloves and take it outside to get sun and run.

I was sure he was going to die. Maybe me too, rabies is always fatal to cats, some humans too. The stray had bitten me once.

I didn’t see the stray for a few days I assumed it was dead from rabies. A week of quarantine later I spotted the stray again. That meant we were all safe from the rabies. I should have shot that cat. Instead, I did a terrible thing. I fed it. Then I tamed it. Then snow fell, I brought her inside. She thanked me with seven kittens one died at birth.

3 gingers, 2 tuxedos, and a cat that has tortoise-shell, tuxedo, and ginger all in one cat. Just what I needed seven more cats, plus the eighteen I already had. But they are so cute, and destructive and crazy. Totally destroy everything in their path, They run around at highspeed, knocking shit over everywhere.

What about Panhead? He survived and now takes care of the kittens from the cat that almost killed him. He is the best cat in the house clean, non-destructive, affectionate to all. What a cat should be. All through his pain, and discomfort he was happy and actually gave me hope, and strength. For a while he had a hard time pooping and I had to pull the little poops out of his butt. Needed doing.

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He likes to cuddle in when I am gaming and sleep. He is the real reason I don’t get rid of all the other cats. I have a lot of cat stories from the years, but Pan Pan is the only cat that had a short story written about him and his bravery.

I did make it out to chop wood almost in the dark. I managed to scrape a load of wood without chainsawing. There was an incident, my secondary chopping block was brutally axe murdered and is now in my fire. 😀

They are watching me, they know I wrote about them. They are evil aliens in catsuits. I piled the paint cans they peed on,  so they couldn’t. They just peed on the floor there. A huge Doberman sized puddle. They had to take turns. Then I noticed that there was another puddle on the old cat food bag, that I had not put away yet. When I went to feed them cat food spilled all over the floor. They chewed a hole through the bottom of the bag. I have to run one of them saw me typing I fear for my life. Never letting them watch Supernatural again or star trek.

Wait I seem to remember a Disney movie about cats that were aliens, oh no. I better check them for phasers. Hahaha

Too fookin funny I just googled that, it seems that is a conspiracy theory. Cats are aliens or spies for E.T.

On the more serious side, I just woke. It is just before midnight.it seems the day with little or no symptoms is over. I woke to Extreme dizziness and fatigue. And is it ever hard to update your blog with fuzzy eyesight.

Such is life. No such is my life.