“I would give myself an A+.” 

Donald Duck Trump

Very rough sleep, too fatigued and dizzy to get any real rest. Up now, going to swallow vitamins, not convinced they are doing anything except making expensive urine. I guess we will see.

After sleeping till noon to make up for the night of unrest. I cleaned enough stuff off my table saw, so I could rip 2 2×6 boards down to 1 1/2 inch boards used to frame my trump wall. Why do I call it that because it is to keep out my aliens, cat aliens (read yesterdays post) from doing bad things in places they shouldn’t. Only difference mine will get built, idiot, don’t the Americans see this man for who he is?

I left a container for screws out last night and one of them managed to pee in there without spilling a drop anywhere else. Talented little cat.

In another few days I will have boards up then a door will be built and I will be in heaven and ready to build a proper kitchen, a bathroom and my counter will be sanded down refinished and will never see cat urine again.

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I worked about two hours it is more than I can usually do at a time. I am just happy the wall is started. I have lots of 1×6 boards sitting outside under the porch. Usually, I run them through a machine called a thickness planer, to take of a layer of old wood, to expose new wood underneath. I am not going to since one day I will reuse these boards for the construction of the tiny house. I will plane them down then. Not before I move the counter in.

That’s all for now. I am off to play a little on the xbox. I only play when the generator is running. And it is right now since I needed that to run the wood workshop tools. Later man