“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.”
Isaac Newton

It is 8:17 am. Eyesight fuzzy, mind is fuzzy. Pain is minimal, managed to walk to the fire OK, minor list to starboard. Falling over to the right. Balance problem this morning. Sitting in front of the fire waiting for the fire to heat up some water for coffee.
It is the last of the bottled water.

I will be drinking snow later. No problem if I am far enough away from the house. The fire has been distributing fine black particles of carbon over the snow. I found out when I melted snow from the west side of the house. During snow storms the snow comes on from the east, mostly and from the north occasionally.
But more important than the water I am out of cream, out of toxic powdered whitener. I have one lonely can of condensed milk. Ever taste that in your morning coffee. Yuck.

I used to drink it black, and may have to for a few days. The high is supposed to -17 today. Right now it is supposed to be -23 usually it is colder than they say. It is another chainsaw day. I will have to chainsaw and chop.

I would rather get some more work done on my wall. I found more cat urine on my counter and found stuff I left on the counter spread all over the floor. It is if they know that their time of destruction in the food prep area is coming to an end. They are trying to get their last few minutes of terrorism in.

The new arrangement won’t be popular with the inmates. I expect more fights and trouble as they are forced to share smaller quarters. I expect my happiness to rise accordingly as I am able to have a cleaner area to make my food and even have aspirations of building a place to eat, without getting cat hair in my food. Were it so easy? Gotta go coffee water is ready. I will fix the spelling later. I am entering this on a very small phone with big thumbs and like I said my eyesight this morning is bad.

I just had my coffee and I did open the canned milk The coffee wasn’t actually bad. I am watching tiny house videos. I have one to build in the spring along with a thousand other things. Why is that a concern in the middle of winter? I am building a new kitchen with counters. I hope to build counters that will be transferred to the tiny house later, so I build them to be movable and built to the exact dimensions.
It also means I have to finalize my tiny house design. I had hoped to do this with my future partner. But as time goes I am realizing that may not happen.

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I just went out to feed the chickadees. It is fookin cold. Not 20 more like -30 again. Chainsaw and chop was not going to be fun. While I was out there I brought 4 wall boards in. I am so looking forward to building that today. While I was bringing those in, two different cats got caught pooping where they shouldn’t be. Soon soon soon.


The boards went up. and I heard that voice in my head that said better unlock other doors in case you trap yourself. Nonsense I answer back. I can fit through that one-foot gap. Hahaha you know what happened.  I had my leather jacket out there and it had my keys. I was able to unlock my shop door to make it back in.


Next would be cutting the hole  for the door. I tried a handsaw but it kept binding. So it was time to gas up the genie And grab the reciprocating saw. Now that saw is quick but does a terrible job. Didn’t matter I am the only one that lives here I can fix the boards later with a sanding disk.


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Just finished my chainsaw and chop. It was cold, I am sore, no surprises. Took my vitamins increased d to 5000

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