“Eating bad food does not make you a bad person.”

Dean Ornish

I made a bad decision at 2 am I went for a snack and realized the precooked chicken from shopping two days ago was still in the cupboard. I put it there temporarily to keep cats out of it. And, yup I forgot. I have been so ingrained with waste not, I ate the thing. I had a very rough night and a not so great morning. That chicken was trying to exit my body at high speed. I will leave that to your imagination.

I have decided to just take it easy today. It’s time to fire up the xbox and kill the last religious cultist on Farcry 5 or play a cowboy on red dead redemption2. For those of you that don’t play games, you may think that it may be for children but believe me, it’s not. Both games have sold millions of copies.

The video gaming industry is worth billions. Real actors are hired to play the characters. The music can also be quite amazing. They are extremely realistic in terms of scenery vegetation and animals. It is more like being inside an interactive movie. At least as good as the movies out there. But your character gets to make a difference in the game. With movies, you just sit and watch and the story is the same every time you watch it. We have come a long way from pong.

Well I couldn’t justify playing a game without doing some work. So I did the ashes in the woodstove. That is not a fun job. I put on a full face respirator, a hat and a jacket to keep the fine ash out of my lungs and off my body. Eighty pounds of ash later, I was able to fill my galvanized garbage can and hauled that outside. Reminder, I need a new one the hot ash has eaten through the bottom.

Then I thought I would do a couple of the litter boxes Ideal time since the stove was empty on one side the other side I saved a few hot coals covered them in dry wood. Once the wood pellets, now sawdust was in the stove I covered them with more dried wood. I hoped it would start itself. It is stupid warm outside for the middle of winter in northern Alberta. Plus 4 degrees.
I am going to try some solid food and see if it sticks. Hope so, like I said I don’t like to waste.

Took my vitamins and having a coffee. Will try some solid food later.