“If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days.”

Kris Carr

I woke up to cats scurrying at high speed above me in my loft. Two male cats got into the area where the females were. Last thing I need is more cats.

My stress levels were off the chart and with that pain, Everything hurt. I don’t think that stress is the cause of my pain, but I am sure that it makes it worse, much worse. I had to calm myself, and I am still doing that. Going to pour some coffee, take my vitamins and plan on how to finish the wall. I needed a door to fit the opening. Right now I have my office door swung wide to cover the hole. Only a chair against it. It wasn’t enough to keep them out.

I am starting to understand now why yoga might be something to investigate further. Stress seems to be a bigger problem than it used to be.

It is early afternoon now. I had an hour-long nap. I am a lot calmer now.
The nap plus a hook and eye helped to achieve that. The hook and eye were to make the door lockable to keep the male cats away from the females.



I just learned something important about vitamin D supplements watch the video below. It is as I suspected I am making expensive urine, by adding supplements that do nothing.

I did my wood chop for the day, the warm spell we had yesterday melted the snow, and as predicted turned my driveway to a skating rink now that the cold is back. Right now we are having a surprise snowstorm not forecast as happens here quite often. Maybe that might be a good thing. It may actually help is f the conditions are right if the snow causes a rough layer that adheres to the ice. If it doesn’t then we get a skating rink that has been covered in something slippery making it worse. Like oil on ice. We will see. But my firewood is inside. My supper is ready, coconut curry on top of chick pea pasta with tuna. It is what I had in the cupboard.