“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein

Hurt everywhere, no dizziness, slow walking slow talkin. There is a heavy Ice fog outside. I checked the weather that was a mistake, maybe. Cold front moving in Friday and staying for a week highs of down to -24 in the day and -30 at night.

Need to do the chainsaw and chop today that I had planned to do yesterday. No choice now. I will be out of wood in a couple of hours. Going to take my vitamins. I don’t think they help but I do remember a few things from the new age seventies ya I lived through those. I didn’t wear a healing crystal, or anything like that. But did my share of creative visualization, with some good results I went through my LOA period, found out that was a great way to make few charlatans rich. I bought the book, watched the movie. I had one of them contact me, the one bragging about his 3 million dollar Bugatti, and for only ten thousand dollars a month he was willing to help me get rich. If I had $10,000 a month, why would I need him.

My point to all that is that I have discovered a few principals, that I have since forgot to use. The medicine isn’t important but the belief is. If I believed the pills would work they would. I know that it is my own mistrust of anything created by companies who claim to help us heal,  the farmers who misuse the word organic, when what they are really interested in is profit.

It is all about the belief, in Richard Bach’s book Illusions. He calls it imagination. As a Man thinketh,  Creative Visualization, the Bible. If a Christian tells you that sometimes the answer to prayer is no. I can tell you they misunderstood what the Bible says.  Read Mark 11:24 . Doesn’t say maybe. The answer is always yes, but it does mention the same thing belief. Lots of bible quotes, say the same thing, the decent spiritual books, and many of the religious texts out there say the same thing.

I still have all those books on the shelf, its time for me to read them again. I have survived many hours of extreme pain without pain killers, because of that kind of thinking. I shouldn’t be able to walk, one surgeon told me I would never walk, or chop wood, never mind manage to climb a mountain, skydive, ride a Harley for half a million miles or the many other things I did after my injuries. I am talking before my last accident. The latest accident has left me with very limited mobility, and now with my self-diagnosis of MS. Well things got harder. Chopping wood got harder. I chop wood for two reasons, It needs doing and I believe I can.

I believed I could no, I demanded that of myself. I have just forgotten. Doesn’t matter what religion you follow, Ask God as you understand him. I am not talking about your religion, or what your church tells you what to do. I am talking about that connection to something bigger than yourself. I have forgotten all that. And what’s funny there is an Einstein quote on my main page that pretty much says that. Have a great day whoever reads these words.

That was exciting. Did my chainsaw did my chop. Made the shuffle across the ice with a load of chopped wood in the wheelbarrow. Chainsaw on top three chopping axes tucked into one side. Standard loadout for the trip home.

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I got to the door, stranded cat outside I reached for the handle it was locked. Not possible, doesn’t happen. I don’t have a working latch. Just a two by four that spins to lock. The door latch was broken years ago due to a really ignorant father-in-law. The Best part of the divorce was I never have to deal with him.
Anyways I leave a window unlocked by the wood stove for just this scenario.

It is a very small window, I was wearing big snow boots, snow pants. That didn’t seem to be an answer. I walked over to my shop door and it was unlocked. Cool a break. Then I remembered the wall I just built. The hook and eye was locked down on the wrong side.

Undaunted I remember the sledge hammer in the shop. If the spinner was loose a couple of taps would pop it off.
Ya it didn’t go like that. After a couple of swings I could see the door or spinner wasn’t going to give way.

Back to the small window.  I Couldn’t lift the leg with the heavy boots, so I grabbed the leg by the boot and managed to get inside the window a few contortionist moves, and I was inside. I had bent the door and broken its internals with the sledge hammer. So I go around the long way. This time the spinner open. I give just a couple of love taps and the door pops open. I bring in the chainsaw, then the wood. I remember the hungry chickadees and fill a large plastic cup full of black sunflower seeds and fill their feeder.

Back inside I stupidly close the door. It doesn’t open. I take the long walk again with the sledge. This time I leave the door wide open to the winter cold. A drill driver a hand full of screws and repair the door. I will make a new one in the spring.

Did I get angry through all this, nope just did what needed doing and I carry on.
Could use a coffee. Keep on keepin on. What does that mean? I think it was on t-shirt on a rack in the 60’s right beside the keep on truckin shirt. Ya I am that old.

ha-ha they still sell them Bell bottoms and all