I woke excited it was sunny, I looked over at my voltage gauges for my battery banks, they were the same as last night. What!!!!!  should be charging like crazy. Snow there must be snow on the solar panels. I sprinted to door to have a look Yup needed sweeping. I grabbed a hat, gloves, snow boots and the broom, oh yea needed water for the cats they spilled the bowl late last night. I went outside, so cold my mind went numb, I looked at the stainless steel bowls and the broom in my hand and said out  loud “solar panels.” Still, in my bathrobe. I swept the snow off. Next the bowls I got on my knees and dugout some fresh snow and filled them. I looked up and the sun and snow were beautiful, the cold was literally breathtaking. I promised myself to take some pics. I got the bowls on the wood stove grabbed my digital camera (haha 4 year old cell phone) still wearing my bathrobe and snapped a few pics.

Still very cold. The weatherman says -35. I say when I am forced to breathe through my nose, to give air a more convoluted path so It can warm a little before entering my lungs. It is more than -40. Best guess for me is -45. It was just confirmed by a friend that lives close by told me actual -42 with windchill -53.  I felt my testicles retract as I typed that 😀

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Memory today , umm what was I saying? I poured coffee in the wrong cup the one used for overflow. I couldn’t remember what I was doing outside when I got there. I had to do what I do when the memory goes, a little detective work. Goes like this, I am outside holding a broom and steel bowls, next to snowy solar panels, what am I doing here? I looked at the stainless steel bowls and the broom in my hand and said out loud out “solar panels.” This is how it goes sometimes. Other times it is as simple as typing the same word twice and not realizing it. Thank God for spellcheck and Grammerly. That’s a shameless plug do I get paid for that? Nope just me and three readers and one is my future wife maybe.

I discovered something, I left a carton of coffee cream in a window in my office. My refrigerator.  An unfinished office since I made it smaller, so I could get my 55 Chevy truck inside.

I will call my discovery creamed ice. Since that is what I put in my coffee, and cereal this morning, big frozen chunks. Tasty stuff hahaha. Yup definitely -45. Gotta go for now my coffee already started off cold.