“There’s much to be said for feeling numb. Time passes more quickly. You eat less, and because numbness encourages laziness, you do fewer things, good or bad, and the world’s probably a better place for it. “

Douglas Coupland

It is cold out I was able to generate a little solar power, enough to write a little. I missed taking vitamins for a couple of days. Some symptoms came back, pain in the eyeballs, back pain, dizziness, balance problems, fatigue. I spent most of the day napping. Was it due to the vitamins I don’t think so, most likely related to the cold. Since I built my trump wall the heat is not circulating as well through th house but the cats are warm.

I will have to chop wood tomorrow no matter what the temp. I am guessing it was -52 again this morning. I had to breathe through my nose. I just went out for a few minutes, sorry no pics today. The grader has not been by to do the roads I don’t know when to expect him. It isn’t a real worry since, there is no way my old van would start in this temp. The cold is supposed to continue through Saturday.

I don’t have much to say today and didn’t get very much accomplished.

The grader came by while I was snoozing, the road is done. I still have some to do about an hours worth of snow removal. I will try to do that tomorrow, I also will need to chop then too.  I was amazed at how much wood I went through in the last few days with the cold snap.

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