“Faith is the substance of hope – of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. So if you can hope for it and imagine it, and keep imagining and hoping and seeing yourself driving a new car, or seeing yourself getting that job, or seeing yourself excel, seeing yourself help that person – that is faith.”

Duane Chapman

I could see my breath as I woke. Fire was still going, I did manage to make two fire fills during the night.  I made the cats a mash of oatmeal cat food dry, one can of wet cat food, and the whole tub of yogurt I was going to have for breakfast. I divided that into two added some hot water, and gave that to the cats.

I hoped it would do them for today. -47 outside, starting the van wasn’t going to be an option today.  The cats will survive. Me, I have my morning coffee and vitamin d3 to get me through until I go to store and get some food. If I had to walk it’s only an 8-mile trip there and back in this temp. And me being disabled. Walking to the living room some days is a challenge.

2pm is when it will be the warmest time of the day (-20 predicted but I don’t believe it. ) and that is when I would go out gas up the generator haul it outside, and charge the battery in the van and see if it even has a block heater. I never used it before. It always starts in 18 or warmer, problem is I haven’t seen that temp in quite a few days.

This is when I let go and let God do his thing.


Today is another chainsaw and chop day. -47 that ‘ll be fun.


A little worried I just saw the big machine that plows the snow off the road. Usually, when I see him on a nice sunny day it means imminent snowfall. He has a better weatherman than I do. He is more accurate.

An hour of work charging the battery and trying and trying to get the old van running. Tried two different battery chargers, one a little more powerful than the other. The old van chugged and hesitated then came to life. Did I mention there was a lot of prayer in there?  I made the half-hour drive,  I made plans about what to do if the old girl didn’t start on the way home There was a place I could get a new battery and cables I could jump-start her.

That was a good plan, except it is Sunday the parts store isn’t open, Undaunted I patted the old girl on the steering wheel and told her it was up to her and God to get us home. I did my grocery shopping as quickly as I could, didn’t want her to get cold again. They say -26 outside. Liars.

I noticed that I had a tire that was low, nowhere to fill it on a Sunday except home. Yup said another prayer. I got home backed her in, went inside to get the wheelbarrow to load the groceries in. Unpacked them put them away fed the cats a little food. I had my burger and cold coffee, as I type this.

Oh yea I did go out to chop a nasty fuck stick of a log. I was too tired to chainsaw, it wouldn’t be safe. But there was this big old gnarly log grown in the fires of hell itself. I swung the biggest splitting maul I had and its just bounced off. I was persistent hitting it harder and harder until it finally gave way, mostly I managed to get it into six big pieces. I got that inside and now it is dark, and I am going to rest. My body and brain are numb, I managed to accomplish my mission The cats and I have food I even have real cream for my coffee.