“I have two doctors, my left leg and my right.”

G. M. Trevelyan

The snow is coming just a sprinkle so far on the solar panels. Today is another chainsaw and chop, the one I didn’t do yesterday. I have a wrought iron Hoop I use for firewood, I use that as my reserve, in case something happens and I can’t get out there to chop.

What could happen? One year I slipped on solid ice cracked three ribs. I ended up taping those best I could, using tensor bandages and continued to chop that was a hard winter Since then, I try to keep that log hoop filled.

Today I am using the reserve, which means I will have to chop enough to refill that, and enough to handle the cold for the night.

Yet I am thankful, I have food, my cats have food, soon I will have wood for the fire.

I still have a lot of things that need doing, If I can accomplish one of those things a day I am happy. Some days just not possible. Sometimes weather, sometimes pain, some days fatigue. My job is just to keep focusing on what needs doing the most and be happy with that.

Today is muscle pain, joint pain, having a few problems with balance today, something wrong in my throat, been to the doctors a few times about that. I get the same answer, my throat is red.  Now that is good doctoring, ha.

Not sure why the weird lights, most likely the sun hitting the lens on my cell phone. Interesting though. Maybe an angel and a crown of thorns 😀

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Just finished chainsaw and chop. It was painful, hot and sweaty inside my snowsuit. It seems we finally did achieve -20.
Chainsawing video crapped out, shitty camera. But wood chopping recorded.