I woke up twice to less than 10 degrees inside. I attended the fire, both times I assumed it would keep burning and heat the house. I slept till 11  and woke up to cold. I knew what was next I needed to go on the slippery sheet metal roof and check the chimney for a creosote block at the top. I got worried when I saw how much snow there was on the old trailer at least four feet had drifted up there. There was no way I could remove that. Especially with the shortness of breath, I was experiencing with the scary killer antibiotics I am taking. I think they are working. I am withdrawing from the painkillers today.

My kidneys both hurt and I feel pain around where I think my liver is. None of those things good The better news is I do feel less pain, so far. The problem is when the Tylenol clears my bloodstream and then the pain returns it takes about an hour and a half I feel extreme pain. So it’s a gamble.

It is extremely cold outside, and we are under another warning. I was on the roof maybe five minutes and I could feel my face freezing right away. I need to go out later and chainsaw and chop.

I was going to use the snowblower, reorganize and clean my kitchen and about a dozen other things. The only thing I really need to do the chainsaw and chop. It will be colder tonight. Even that will be a huge chore.

I lost the gamble at 2pm the pain came back with a vengeance. I took a couple of painkillers.
I did notice a couple of interesting things. One of my little cats came and sat with me. I concentrated on her purr. I read somewhere it’s at a healing frequency. When she exhaled her purr the pain stopped for a second, when she inhaled the pain came back. Interesting.

I tried to calm myself and tried to solve problems in my head. That allowed me to shift my focus from the pain. For a few minutes. I am not talking about math but answers to problems of a mechanical nature. Today was how would I fit a container on my trailer. The rubber from the tires is higher than the bed. It would involve cutting slots in the container.

What has this got to do with anything? It was a needed distraction.

The pain is back again gotta go. The Tylenol extra strength finally kicked an hour later. Time to swap the chain on the saw, grab the wheelbarrow and head out to the log pile.

Chainsaw running and cutting through the logs, I realize again the kidney brace and maybe even the wrist brace might have been, helpful. I continue on.

I stop for a few pics, hands freezing painful in seconds.

I gathered enough logs into the wheelbarrow, so I can ferry them over to the chopping block. I had cut so many blocks that is too far away to throw the blocks over.

I split and split until my body says take a break. Onto my log pile recliner snap a few more pics of the same trees.

Then back to finish splitting, too cold to sit too long and enjoy the stillness.

Firewood, axes and chainsaw tucked into the old rusty wheelbarrow, it’s time to go inside. I take a run at the last section of deep snow and pull around to the door. Chainsaw inside grab the snow bowls and head for the deep, pristine snow.

With the bowls full, I put them on the woodstove to melt. Water for the cats, water for me, so I can wash.

Time to push the wheelbarrow up the ramp and into the house. The last thing is to peel all the layers off. My hands may have been freezing but the hard work soaked through the clothes.
Now I get to rest while I type this.

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I missed an alarm and a pain killer the pain is back again. This is brutal.