Another day. Headaches kidney pain, but no tooth pain this morning, no ear aches, no jaw pain, no screaming or moaning or concentrating on something else while the pain goes away. So far. Yesterday I had three one hour periods where the pain killers failed, those hours were excruciating. I even got close to maximizing the dosage to lethal limits. I went to 3500, 4000 kills your liver. I am sure that is already happening.

I have been on them for over two weeks. The killer antibiotics for 5 days, no signs that the infection is going. They say the weather is going to get warmer, I will believe that when I see it. The polar vortex is going to move east into Ontario. Sorry guys it your turn we had this out here too long.

As for the rest of it, I am alive and above ground. My house desperately needs cleaning. Maybe tomorrow. Today is Sunday and I will do a little here do a little there. But mostly going to  relax and play a few video games. I think I might have enough wood to last the night. I hope I do because the alternative is that I go out and chainsaw again. Could if I had to but would rather not.

Feeling exhausted. I realize that the quality of writing is not up to my own standards, but it is what it is.