Beetle kills tree. Woodcutter falls tree. Machine piles logs, ready for the truck to pickup. Logging truck delivers them to my home. My chainsaw cuts logs into blocks. Loaded into the wheelbarrow to move them to the chopping block. Splitting maul swung down hard makes firewood.

Wheelbarrow is loaded once again and pushed through snow, up a ramp and into my fire room to be loaded into the woodstove. The wood stove heats my house.

Rinse and repeat every day in the winter, which is long here. Doesn’t matter how much pain, doesn’t matter about the injuries. Only matters that I have wood to keep me warm.

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This is my last day on antibiotics, I am worried about that. Still feeling pain, that means either it was not bacterial or I wasn’t on long enough. If I stay on longer could kill me. If I stop the pills the bacteria may become resistant and not stoppable. The other worry is the pain killers Tylenol can kill your liver.