“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.”

Khalil Gibran

I just did the one-hour drive. I am now sitting in my dentist office. Waiting for teeth to be pulled.

Not my favourite thing. I had a very bad experience when I was ten. I had a very sadistic dentist. He hated kids or he hated brown kids. One time he pushed a needle right through my cheek. I felt the liquid on the outside of my face.
He was always very mean. Those are my first experiences with dentistry.

Criminal charges were brought against him, not by my family someone else.

That is a stark contrast to my I am a tough guy phase when I was 15. I had a dentist pull a tooth without freezing. Ya that was just stupid.

My Navy experiences with wisdom teeth. One had to be hammered and chiselled out. The only way I even got through that was because of the beautiful assistant with a low cut top. I was tricked, and it worked. Come on  I was a young rough and ready sailor fighting the cold war then. The only war that was a possible human extinction event. I can’t even talk about the Russian sub,  just outside of Vancouver incident or any else that happened then, I signed a paper on exit that says I could be charged with Treason for just talking about them.

I am doing everything I can to stay calm. I get chatty when I get nervous, and I was talking up a storm.   My bp is way high for me 143 over 87 pulse at 80.

So how was my visit? Did I suffer horribly at the hands of a mad dentist? Was I treated poorly by surly staff? No, not once.

I had a very good visit, I was treated cordially, all the staff were friendly, Dr Wang (pronounced Wong) was knowledgeable, friendly and even complimentary.  Candace (hope I spelled that right should have brought my computer glasses) the woman that did my xrays was very friendly and took the time to explain everything, which was cool because I love to learn new things. The young lady Sarah who took my BP was very nice, she also took time to show me how to work the Kuerig. I am a cone and paper filter man. Due to solar power. And of course Amber the woman at the front desk who had to put up with me and all my questions and comments. The patience of a Saint. Even the nice Filipina answered me back in Tagalog when I asked her Kamusta ka? Was worth mentioning.

Where were all the nasty people? I found out later they were at the hospital where I stopped to visit a friend later. Got chewed out by a nurse for parking my vehicle in the ambulance bay. That was back to what I am used to. BTW I was parked across the street in front of a house nowhere near the ambulance bay. I have arrived to hospitals in many of those.

I was pleased to learn that Dr. Wang was a save the tooth kind of dentist instead of lets just rip them teeth out kind of man. I have known too many of them. I am almost 62, those babies just don’t grow back in. I know cause I have some gaping holes where there used to be molars. Broken in the big car accident of 2014.

I left there feeling very good, like I want to come back there. For me leaving a dentist’s office that is very High praise. Thanks to all the staff and Dr. Wang.

Now back to my day. I need to chop more wood of course and maybe even chainsaw. The amount will be less due to warmer weather I hope. Pictures to follow right now I have to try my new natural pain killer Curcumin. I like to try the natural ways if I can I just don’t trust Pharma. I have a conspiracy theory for that. But if you want to know what that is you have to read my novels.you can find them with my other writing here. The first novel is called Tempus One  Yes that was a shameless plug. 😀 BTW I don’t trust the health supplement business either too many broad claims no evidence to support them.

Going to have a rest, pet the cats and head out to chop wood. This is the best I have felt since Valentines Day. I have never in my entire life felt pain like I just did. And I have experienced more pain than most will see in ten lifetimes. Not an exaggeration.

The gallery below taken while I chopped wood. “Pilots just wanna have fun.”

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managed a small load off the pain killers