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Wow slept till noon, played video games, ran the snow blower to clean the last of the driveway before the week of melt, I don’t like the week of melt coming. My driveway is going to turn into a big puddle which will freeze into a skating rink. I prefer spring to show up in spring and suddenly so the snow melts we get through the mud and go back to normal.
I just checked the weather it will be at least three weeks of plus temps in the day. Winter may be almost over. Most likely it means I will get stuck in my driveway. That is bad for me.

I haven’t done the big shopping I need to do before a weather event like this. I may have to consider going to GP on Saturday when all the crazy’s are out in force. Long line-ups at the stores, surly drivers to contend with, yuck.
Got my wood done for tonight we will have to see how I feel tomorrow.