I wake from another vibrant Technicolor interactive movie of a dream. Always big action, epic stories. I don’t know why I dream like that but I do. I wake up like I would if I actually lived through that. Muscles hurting and a little tired.

My mornings are like this:
My eyes sticky, I pry them open to see if the sun is up, next is the temperature test. I move my arms outside the blanket zone. If it is cold I need to pull the blankets off and swing my body out of my bed. As soon as I stand up. I wait to see if there is going to be dizziness. Next comes the walking and setting assessment. Every morning I need to learn how to walk again. This starts with a few zombie steps and gradually becomes almost normal. Too many broken parts. As I walk my body dictates my actions. Over to pee first. When that is done, the kettle is filled, propane stove lit. I know the fire is cold, by the temp in the house.

So I head into the fire room, trying not to step on cats. I open the door to the wood stove to assess the fire situation. This morning it’s not too bad, I remembered to turn down the fire and there are plenty of coals left to start another days burning.
I fill the firebox with wood turn up the air intake, close the door.

Next is cat maintenance. Food bowls are empty, water is dirty. I have one cat that likes to stick his feet in the water bowl. That needs changing. The food bowls are filled.

The kettle is boiling, so back to the kitchen make my coffee fixings. New paper filter, a scoop of coffee, pour hot water into the cone. Grab my some cream and soon I am sitting at my laptop with a coffee and typing words.

Pain today its less but my kidneys still are uncomfortable. I have to think there is something not right, stones maybe. Some persistent chest pains. Headaches

It is Sunday here the weatherman says we will reach 0. Tomorrow the plus temps start in the day. I really don’t want that. We have a lot of snow to melt. During the day the melt starts, at night it will freeze again. This is when roofs leaks, puddles form and freeze on the driveway, and my mile and a half of dirt road turns to a skating rink. Getting snow to melt only happens after breaking through the icy crust.


Somehow my Wi-Fi reaches my log pile. I am experiencing extreme back pain after chopping. So I am taking a break on my wooden recliner. I am enjoying the sun.  I guess curcumin doesn’t work for some kinds of pain. Or maybe I need to add bioperine a black pepper extract.

That supposedly increases the curcumin absorption rate by 2000 percent. Oh yeah, it cures cancer. Wonder if it would also enhance my love life and make me a coffee.  Lots of health food supplements claim to do many things. I don’t believe them any more than the pharma companies out there.

Maybe it’s time for a new conspiracy theory. Maybe big pharma owns the supplement companies. Haha
Sad to say I am usually right about that.

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After a little rest and a visit from my buddy, Lou my biggest and oldest cat. I try to get to up to haul in the days choppin. My attempt to get up was almost comical I rolled to the right rolled to the left until I could find some balance. Eventually, I make the trip back inside with my haul. Stopping long enough to say hi to Jay who was saying thanks for the seeds that I keep filling in the feeder for them and the chickadees.