“Water is life, and clean water means health.”

Audrey Hepburn

These are the same little birds I feed here. Thanks, Lesley for the video. You can see more at her channel.


Soon the snow will be going. The forecast predicts warm temperatures during the day, still some freezing temps at night. I will still be chopping wood, but not as often. It will be nice to take a break from that for a while.

I took advantage of what snow I have left to gather and melt some for the cats and washing. Soon enough I will be carrying in jugs from Costco. I have a large pond but it is filled from the farmers fields around me and I know it is full of toxic chemicals. I do collect rainwater but I need to find a way to get inside and filtered for domestic use. Maybe that will happen this year. I am learning how to make my own Berkey. Google that. It may be cheaper just to buy one. The filters are expensive. Maybe expensive enough to just buy a unit from them. I will price it out later.

Well I did my math to build a 6 gallon water filter set $378 Canadian. Not including my labour. Two 6 gallon stainless pots 76 dollars each, Two berkey filters 163 dollars, one sight glass spigot 61 dollars.

Buy a premade berkey Royal 3 gallon $455 Cad.  Hmmm Now I have to decide if I want two 6 gallon pots sitting on my counter. I hope to be able to just take a 15 liter water bottle and put it on top and let  run through.

I guess I could extend the spigot and put it through a wall and hide the whole thing in a cabinet. As I am typing that my mind is all ready thinking of all sorts of complicated systems to automatically fill that and process my water. One that involves a float valve shutoff, and pre filters. I didn’t want to say toilet tank float. A new one of course. 😀 Inventors mind.

What ever I do it will involve saving money to purchase. It might take me a few months. It took me four years to save for a propane off grid stove. That is paid for and on order. I bought the propane tank for that last year.