“If we don’t act now to safeguard our privacy, we could all become victims of identity theft.”

Bill Nelson

I have been asked to write about a topic that I have known about for years. Personal information is being taken from you without permission. We all suspect the government is here to invade our privacy. The latest being that stats Canada wants to access all of our banking information, so they can track every purchase you make. Today stats can tomorrow Revenue Canada. The Canadian Government is also tracking every download.

Social media, Microsoft, apple, google, Facebook, Phones, laptops, computers especially those that are manufactured in China. With built in back doors to access all of your information. Paranoid, nope. I am not the only one who thinks so. There are many criminal investigations on the move against all of those companies and more.

If you are using WhatsApp or messenger your text messages and contacts are already being scraped from your devices and recorded. I suspected when FB tried to force me to use messenger on my phone. There is a workaround. Facebook cut deals with 150 companies to bypass your privacy settings so that all your friends and info can be recorded and mapped.

87 million users’ private information was compromised on Facebook. Do you really believe they stopped there? That is just what can be proven.

Then that info was used to get Trump into power. How else could such an ill-tempered moron get into power. Precisely because he is a moron, or should I call him a  cross between a marionette and moron, a moroniette. Easily controlled by his puppet masters, pushing us all into the bad things ahead. All this in the name of profit. Sorry I had to say that.

Google tracks your phone and what you are doing on your phone. If you think turning your location services stops them, It doesn’t. Every website you visit, every YouTube video you watch is being added to a giant database all about you. Every picture you take is being uploaded to Google. I read somewhere someone was able to look at the data Google recorded on one person. The database was huge terabytes in size.

So what can you do, besides stick your head in the sand and pretend it’s not happening. Lots.
All those companies bank on you doing nothing. If you think this is a step by step fix, it is not This is just a wake up, you need to take some responsibility and learn how to stop these unethical companies from raping your private information.

First thing uninstall messenger. You can install the opera browser which does not force you to use messenger. You can still access your friends and messages just by going to the menu and click on messages, when you get to Facebook, using opera.

It doesn’t matter what your privacy settings are. Facebook has sold the technology to those 150 companies, so they can bypass that. Me I have one friend. Facebook keeps trying to bully me into adding more friends. Even tried sending out friend requests without my permission. If you all only had one friend Facebook would fall apart. Did you really need 5000 friends, would you even recognize those people if they walked past on the street. Btw google “who owns Instagram” I will wait while you do that. Surprised.

You all know Microsoft is stealing your private data but you keep using Skype. Yeah they own that. Try Viber instead.

BACKUP YOUR DATA I believe FB will be held accountable for their crimes one day and will be shutdown.

Pay attention to where your phone or tablet or computer is manufactured. Read about the back doors on the Jane’s Defense website. If you can don’t use the Microsoft operating system. Use Ubuntu or what I use Ubuntu mate. Or any of the free Linux operating systems out there. All the software is free. I don’t even run an antivirus, cause no one writes viruses for those operating systems. But if you feel you need one that’s free too. Accounting software, graphics, office all free.

The operating systems are faster and stable. With a big community willing to help you with any problems. You can even run some windows programs and games on Linux. I still use Sketchup which is windows based. I am even running some dos based software from the 90’s on my laptop.

Start using google against themselves learn how to turn off all tracking. There are many hidden menus to go through. I thought I did that until I realized Google was uploading all the photos I took without my permission.

Try googling  Apple suicides, conflict minerals, tax evasion. Learn about them. I have watched this company since they started. Guess where phone tracking started.

Start googling to beat google and the others at their own game. Search for call scraping, google tracking, search for criminal investigations against Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and any other company or government you find suspicious. Use their tools against them.

When Google was asked about their practices. Their answer was the users should know. We should know about their secret practices. Like we know our cars need oil to run. Be informed, stop being sheeple. The more technology we have the more it will be abused by the unethical. Not totally my words

Learn what the tor browser does. It is not only for accessing the deep web.

“Don’t Stick your head in the sand, If you do you will just get your ass shot off.” From The words of Rod

UPDATE GOTO this LINK download your data. mine was 2GB of data google had about me