“We build statues out of snow, and weep to see them melt.”

Walter Scott

St. Patrick’s Day. Don’t ask How I remembered that.

Here in my little corner of the world. The big Melt continues. I was out taking a few pics just wearing a tshirt. Spring is the ugly season here. Once the snow melts you get to see how dirty everything is. I will find all the places my cats have been pooping. I have to stop feeding the little birds, so they don’t become food. More of my cats want to go outside now.

Soon comes time to do all that outside work I put off from last year. I just saw an awful job. On the highest roof I saw where the sheetmetal had gotten loose and the wood underneath was rotten. Which also means that rafter and insulation and everything below is wet and rotten. I am talking about weeks of work. And all during spring rains. The snow is just a beautiful mask that hides the ugly truth below.

My life will get harder. But I don’t need to chop and chainsaw. Kidding. All the wood below the snow line will need to be cut into blocks and stacked for next winter. That will happen in July after squito season. Oh yeah the mosquitoes are coming and after a winters sleep they will come with a vengeance. I don’t mean to sound so cheery. This is what I have to look forward to. I have a another roof that is supported with just a couple of upright 2×10’s  I am hoping it doesnt fall I have been waiting all winter to finish that renovation.

Oh and I almost forgot the ice and snow as it melts and finds its way into every little crack and crevice and allows melted snow into the house where it shouldn’t be there will be flooding inside the house. It causes many roof leaks which will all need repair before the spring rains. Ya being disabled is fun.

Then after all that yard cleanup building repair,I get to do the fun stuff. Work on my trucks and even maybe work on my tiny house. There is tons more work that needs doing that I haven’t discussed. I will do as much as I can when I can. Out of all those things the roof repair has me a little worried. Did I mention there is a huge hive of bees that live under that roof.  Ya I will have the epipen with me.

I don’t think I am allergic but I didn’t think I was allergic to amoxicillin.  before I went into shock. Ya rode that out alone at home couldn’t speak couldn’t phone anyone for help. 12 hours of suffering through that. Now imagine the same thing happening on a slippery hot tin roof 25 feet (ca. 8 m) above the ground. I am chuckling about that right now. My life is really a comedy.

Suddenly just having to chop wood sounds easier.

Big Jake named after a John Wayne character