Sunrise at the equinox around 8 am

Spring Equinox

Now that I pointed a few people to this blog, I am not crazy about sharing my health issues anymore. Last night I had all the evidence I ever need to confirm my suspicions. I have MS and last night I had what I guess they call a relapse. I went through such an intense period of problems in such a short time. All of it was proceeded by tinnitus.

First my emotions, I had periods of anger, depression and anxiety all in one night. My body experienced spasmodic jerks about three times last night. This morning some vision problems. It is possible it might have been food related I did eat something new, a non-dairy cheese that tasted like something that came out of a litter box.  Which is what my morning coffee tastes like. Remind me to fire the cook. 😀 The rest of that is going into the fire.

I will try to do what I said I would do here, in my blog. Really I am not writing this for you, except for the Mar 15 post. I am writing it, so I can keep track of things in my day. I am not trying to win any prizes or be grammatically correct. As a matter of fact I find it a little amusing watching Grammarly, Language tool and WordPress fight over that, as I put down the words you see here.

I will add to this as my day continues.

March 2018

Mar 20 2019

I am having bad chest pains. Not that kind. On the wrong side of my chest. It did make today gather and chop more of a challenge. Since my back is permantly injured i have learned to chop wood just using the strength of my arms. It means I cannot always take a really hard swing. It is why I have two axes out there. On tough logs, I sink the smaller of the two and sink it deep as I can, then I use the 12 pounder to drive it through and split the log.

I don’t mean to sound whiney about that, but it’s my blog and I’ll whine if I want to.
Well I Am off to find remedies for the chest pain, so far I found garlic, baking soda, lie down and aspirin.