“The bad guys always fight dirty, and the good guys always fight clean.”

Jerry Della Femina


I asked myself that. Why bother writing on a blog every day. When I first started writing blogs. I had lofty altruistic ambitions. I had a blog called Dragonslayer once.

I wanted to attack the large corporations and people, especially the ones that had done me wrong. Harley Davidson who unjustly voided my warranty on my brand new Bike and left me and my daughter on the side of the road In Whitehorse Yukon. The racist people in Whitehorse, that treat so many first nation people bad that the human rights commission has a three year backlog. Yes they treated me and my daughter bad because we were road tanned and assumed we were part of the Dene Nation. I am Brasilian born, and I am Canadian. I have lived in Canada for 60 years. I hold a citizenship in both countries. I am a Canadian Veteran served in the Navy here. I was proud to have served for this country and our flag. I am proud of my country, not so proud of my Governments.

Telus Corporation that has been trying to screw me over for years now, because they sold me too good of an internet plan. They are constantly giving me bad service, insulting me over the phone. What they do is close to criminal harassment. Since I am disabled that would make it a hate crime.

My own federal government, the real terrorists, that froze my bank accounts for four years. They destroyed my small business, probably my marriage. Karma is coming for you Joe Levesque and Sarnjeet Singh. Don’t hide behind I was just doing my job.

My provincial government who is squeezing the doctors so bad I can’t get healthcare. The chickenshit doctors who are more afraid of losing money than they are caring about their patients. There are a lot of them in this area.  Dr S. you should give up your license you should not be a doctor anymore. Read the following quote and retire while you have some dignity.

“Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.”


I have to mention the evil little troll of a charge nurse that tortured me while I was in the hospital in Grande Prairie. I hope you got good money for the meds you stole. Was it fun holding back my pain killers and bringing me food that was two days old. And maybe you could explain why a man with a broken neck needed to change his own bedding in the hospital. Or the thousand other horrible things you did while I was there. Convincing the other nurses I was non-compliant, so they shared in your torture. Whispering in my surgeons ear, so he would also do bad. There is a special place in hell reserved for you. What a sad human being you are.

So do I stand up and fight? No I am Canadian, I do what the others do, complain and do nothing. Mostly for fear that nothing we do, or nothing we say will make a difference. Evil will continue. Evil will continue. Corrupt Governments, corrupt corporations, bad people. Did all these things really happen? And much worse, and I am sure that I am not the only one. If it is happening to you don’t give up, don’t quit, just keep on trucking. Hold your head up and never surrender.

All I can do is not cave in, not become evil like the rest. I believe our day will come.

I will get off my soapbox now.

It’s another beautiful spring day. I am sure the snow will be gone from my driveway and replaced with spring mud. I will need to get out there and put some logs out at the end of my driveway. To keep people off until the driveway firms up again. Just looked ahead at the weather I will be back to wood chopping again. Looks like cold weather at night next week.