“Early spring is the time for vigorous change, a preparation for the heat-driven oppression that is to come.”

Henry Rollins

The snow is almost gone. I went out to get snow to melt for the cats. The area where I have been taking snow was gone,  just last years grass showing through. I went out a little further and the snow was almost solid ice from the melting.
I needed to get moving on the water filtration system. I may have waited too long.

I will get to ordering the parts this morning the rest I will pickup locally. Most likely I will have to pick up some jugs of water to get me through.

Some may ask why do I do this? It is a practice run. I needed to know how to live on solar power, how to get by with very little water. I need to learn to store food and supplies. Do I think the zombie apocalypse is coming? Possible but not likely.

I do worry about the grid collapsing, fuel and supplies running low.

I lived in Kamloops before here and I saw what happened when both major highways were shutdown due to snow and avalanches. It took three days and the grocery stores were empty. I am talking about bare shelves. I was talking to a family that lived in Mackenzie BC when the wind knocked down their power lines. No internet, no banking, no buying gas or pharma or groceries unless you had cash.

It’s not hard to imagine that happening long term. I think we are a little too dependent on our supply chains. Not realizing what would happen if they were interrupted. Rent the movie trigger effect. Sad to say the people that will turn on you first to feed their own, are your neighbors, especially if you have bad ones like me.

Did you know in the USA there are already laws in place that give the government the right to take your food in times of emergency. That in a lot of states it is illegal to gather water, use solar or wind power. Don’t believe me google it yourself.

Am I recommending that we all become hard core preppers and build underground bunkers, hoard food, water and guns. That is your choice. Lots of youtube videos will help you if that is your interest.

Better to have prepared for an apocalypse and not have it happen, then have it happen and not be prepared.

Am I ready? Nope. But I do know the direction that’s in, and I am working towards that. For now, I heat with wood, working on water filtration, so I can Use the million gallons of pond water I already have, I am using solar power, Hope to add wind power, and  I also want to experiment with HHO gas. Gas for cooking from just water and solar power. No carbon monoxide, no explosions. I wrote about this in another bog. Cooking with water as a fuel.

There are water powered generators available now. Quieter no toxic output it means you can run it inside.

Can you run a car on water. I think so. What would happen if we ran a car on this. The oil companies wouldn’t like it. Power companies wouldn’t like it.  Since the government is paid huge amounts of tax revenue on oil and gas they wouldn’t like it. I didn’t want to mention, but I will, Oil money probably paid for the campaigns of those leading your government right now. Look south that should give you a clue, about the clueless.

Soon I hope I will be close to achieving self-sufficiency. Just need to deal with food and better shelter. I also do gardening but need to solve the bug problem. The last time I tried moths ate all my growing in one day. I notice that screened green greenhouses used in the Philippines might be an answer. I need to screen and be able to keep the cold out.

The driveway as you can see in the pictures is dry, and for the first time since I bought this little acreage 17 or 18 years ago, there is very little mud.