“I do most of the cooking in my head.”

Alain Ducasse

Big news. I had to cancel a dentist appointment today due to a cough and sore throat. I didn’t want to pass it on.

Then right when I should have been sitting in a chair getting my teeth worked on, I got a call my new propane stove had arrived. I have waited for years to have another stove. I have been cooking on the woodstove and camp stove since I asked my x wife to leave in November 2011.

I scrimped and saved until I could afford it. I had to figure out a way to get it home. My trailer was in about a foot of wet heavy snow next to the chopping block.

I went out to take a look. Maybe just maybe I could swing the hitch towards the chopping block and back the van in. It worked. Half hour later I was moving down the highway to pickup the stove. Stove loaded and a few groceries bought I was on my way home. I forgot to buy water how dumb is that. Maybe there is enough snow left to keep us all hydrated, It would be dirty. I will have to filter it best I can. Good news the berkey filters will in on Thursday.

Now the big problem I needed to unload the two hundred pound stove and get it inside. That will be a challenge I will be on my way to do that in a few minutes. Rain is forecast.


Wish I could tell you that was easy and everything went as planned. Well almost. I got to the door and found out I was a half inch too wide with the packing materials. All that had to come off. Then I was able to wiggle and tip it through the door and into the fire room. Quickly recovered it with plastic. The cats will pee on it because it is an intrusion to their little world.

Next I have to design the fuel delivery system order all the parts and hookup the propane tank. I bought and filled that a year anticipating this moment. I will get online and figure out what I need. Then order it and in about a week I will start hooking everything up.

The most amazing thing in the middle of the melting snow was a little clover growing through. A sign that spring is on it’s way.

I was just outside again I couldn’t believe it the path I brought the stove in today is completely flooded. God’s timing is good.