“So many diseases and illnesses have fundamental roots in the lack of clean water. Resolving the clean water crisis would mitigate a lot of problems.”

Jimmy Chin

I am never sure what I am going to write here. Probably the best way. Then everything just spills out as it should be.
I met a woman online today that lifted my spirits a little. She had no job, four months pregnant, but was full of hope.

Wow I found my topic of the day water piping safety. I opened a swimming pool full of worms I am currently wading through. Yuck right.

I thought cpvc was safe. It’s apparently not, neither is pex. Copper is supposed to be better so now I am doing research. No use building a water filtration system using toxic pipes. What about the solder in copper? Lead based solder is Banned in USA, but still available in Canada. Why is that? Oh it is banned for use in drinking water systems. What about all our schools what are our kids drinking? Can that be avoided using compression fittings. OMG I just wanted clean water.

I am going back to my research fill you in later on what I found out.

BTW don’t trust what I write trust what you find out good and bad. There are plenty of sites that will tell you it is safe to use CPVC OR PVC OR PEX. You will find lots promoting copper, but if you keep searching you will find the truth behind all this. I found mine.


CVPC: Extremely toxic read this page.

Synthetic adhesives (used to join the PVC and CPVC pipes) like epoxies, polyurethanes, cyanocrylates and acrylic polymers – all of them are deadly toxins. Most of them are carcinogenic (they contain solvents such as benzene, toluene, xylene, styrene, acetone, methanol, phenol and dichloromethane). They destroy red blood cells and inhibit immune system apart from causing cancer.

from the page mentioned

PEX: Another extremely toxic product especially if you are trying to conceive. Check out this video He does promote copper though.

COPPER: again when it breaks down makes you very sick. Especially if you have acidic water. Read about copper on the internet. Get that from multiple sources. Read about using the new trendy copper cups and water bottles.


I am lucky I have a local store that has access to the pipe I need. But now I question the “food safe” plastic buckets and even the plastic water tank.