I made my trip into the dump and managed not to bring anything back. Came home cleaned up the cats room and started on the kitchen. I realized then and there I would have to build another wall, before I hooked up my new stove.  The reason? Cats they are destructive messy and really don’t care where they pee or poop. I am sure they are demons sent to torture me:D

I even managed to go out and chop although my back caused me a great amount of pain I think I injured it hooking up the trailer.

Well I did manage to get a few things done today including a little work in my wood work shop. My planer is secured to my rotating cart I made. With nuts and bolts this time. I also had a look at all the work needs doing. Way too much for one man,

I ran into an acquaintance the other day, we discussed retirement and having too many jobs. She told me she makes lists. I said great I have a whiteboard I write on. Then she said no I use paper, make lists and then file them away. This all sounds good if you can hire someone else to do the work. I don’t. I have stuff to do and I will tackle everything one at a time with lots of breaks. I need those My back doesn’t handle standing, sitting, or working for more than a few minutes at a time. That’s the great thing about writing a blog, I get to rest my back while I type.

Unfortunately the raised ice also means that the muskrats surface. They make a mess of a pond killing all the reeds I planted to help clean the water. Shitting everywhere. It’s not a pleasant thing. So out comes the 3030. I don’t enjoy killing animals. But these are pests like rats and mice, only bigger. So I had to shoot one tonight.  One shot one dead pest.