“I love to smile, even through pain.”

Victoria Arlen

Whoa aching back, dizzy and must be having memory problems cause I didn’t cut enough boards. Ripping planing and chopping again. After I take another break to rest my back. It would have been simpler to fix my back when I had the accident, but they didn’t.

Rested and worked another hour. Came to a train hitting a rock wall moment. I needed a special long bit to drive the special screws into the pocket holes.

The problem, my memory. I own two of them, I bought a second one to be safe in case something like this happened, both were not put away in the right place, they were put in a “safe place”. Safe from me ever finding them.

I cleaned up two workbenches that needed doing, looking for them. No luck, by then my back needed another rest. This time I had to lay down for an hour. It is the only relief I get from the back pain. While I was resting, I remembered I had also purchased an extension bit. If I could use that and find  a three-inch bit, that might work. It didn’t the head of the extension was too big. I hunted around a bit more and I found a three-inch magnetic bit holder, that plus the 3 inch Robertson bit I also found worked. I know this may all sound Greek to you, what it meant I could start putting the frames together.

I got through the first joinery, then I cracked the wood. That needed glue and repair, and a few clamps to hold it all together. I would have to wait till morning, before continuing. And I thought I would be able to finish the frames in one day. Ha

I looked at the wheelbarrow all it had inside was stripey, a 17 year old ten pound grey tabby. I knew I needed to go out and chop. Did I mention my back was sore? I knew all there was cut out there were massive logs. So massive that two days worth of wood, a wheel barrow full, came from just two logs. I managed to roll them up to the small chopping block and get them split. Got that done, got it inside. Took a break to type this. Now I need to think of supper. Had more Kale smoothies for lunch. Made with whatever I had in stock, Egg, banana, kale, pear, water. When I finished those I used drinking water to rinse out the blender and cup. Then I drank that too. What this way I got the extra nutrients plus the water.

hahaha I couldn’t help the song