“Ultimately, literature is nothing but carpentry. With both you are working with reality, a material just as hard as wood.”

Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Snowing this morning, but the big melt is coming, the rest of the snow will soon be a memory and then come the spring rains. Then squitos I am so excited. No I am not.

I spent another painful day in my shop. Listening to tunes and working on my stove cover. I got another side done and the wheels mounted. Just need to add the wheels to the second side and I will make sure it fits on the stove. I had to quit working.

I went back up and completed another side. Got the wheels backwards but no problem, I just have to take the nuts off and change the wheel positions front to back.


Lost Curt 25 years ago yesterday I think. Sad another 27 gone. Joplin, Hendrix and many others.