I saw my first flock, and then many, the geese are back. It is the beginning of the migration. Soon, many species, millions and millions of birds. Will fly over my humble little abode. Swans will fly so low overhead you can almost touch them, ducks, geese, robins and a lot of others I don’t even know their names. Soon my Chickadees and Jays will disappear into the forest.

It may seem silly to you but I get excited when I see them back.

Today I picked up the parts for my water filtration system. $107 CAD for all the stainless steel fittings and three sediment filters. I bought too much due to the  redesign. I will send a pic when I have those put together. I have the filter housings for the sediment filters. I think I paid about $35 for each of them. I need to find the second one. I paid $7 for the float valve and $4 each for the 5 gallon (18.93 liters) buckets. Stainless steel would have been better and maybe in the future I might do that. For now, I just needed to try it all out. Soon I will have running water, you know, that’s where I run and fetch it from the pond and run it through the filters.

Oh yea one more thing I am waiting for the ice to melt on the pond. We have a week of warm weather I am hoping that will do it. That will give me a few days to assemble and prime the filters. If it all works out I never have to buy bottled water again. As for the bottled water I have now, gonna filter that too. Probably just tap water anyways I don’t have the chlorine or fluoride filters, I just don’t think they used that my dirty old pond.

Roundup yup, other bad things yup  again. I have a very uncouth farmer around me, He was dumping toxic shit into a pit that drained into my pond. I called The ministry of the Environment. They came out took pictures and samples then told me to keep my mouth shut. Fuckin Government. Fuckin bad farmer. That comment will make me poplar around here. Hey Gov I know where the toxic shit is buried both here and at the old Canfor Mill. The man who was instructed to bury that, showed me where. I should mention he died suddenly. I am sure that was just a coincidence. But if I die suddenly  I would definitely have someone look into that.

End result 6 cats born with mutations 5 died. Two in my arms. Four dogs died of cancers. The pit is buried now. I collected reed seeds and planted them around my dugout to help clean the water. My animals drink bottled water for the last four years. They drink what I drink. No mutations since. I will be sending the  water before and after out for testing. I  heard the health department will do it for free, oh yea that’s Government.

I simplified my design for now. Due to I don’t know where the second filter housing is. The float will go in a second bucket with the two expensive berkey filters. Later I will add the second sediment filter. Maybe even put a ceramic filter the idea being to take the load off the berkey filters by using cheaper filters up stream. Then the Berkey’s would do the final filtering.

As you can see I have two brass fittings on the filter housing The one we used in the store to test that out, had a 3/4 ” hole and mine has a one inch. I will order two stainless parts for that. Just so I don’t mix metals.

My day wouldn’t be complete without some self-inflicted pain.