“The word ‘happy’ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.”

Carl Jung

7 a.m.

Just when I thought it was safe to put the axe away. I didn’t really, we had snow on May long weekend here one year. Just in time too we had some forest fires that were getting close.

The reason I mention this I was just out chopping wood. It is cool inside the house.

I need to do some work on the water system soon or buy more water. I forgot I need some any ways. The berkey filters need to be primed before use. A one time thing. After that they can be dried right out and stored away for use.

I don’t have running water, so I plan on mounting them upside down in the bucket, add water then  let gravity do its thing.

Its very dark and gray outside looks like rain. I just started the gennie, so I could have some whatizthat juice. When you drink it you would ask whatwusthat Garlic, yogurt, orange juice, kale, banana and parsley. Does that even go together in a blender, especially a little one. Yup it did, I blended, I drank and I survived. The truth, it wasnt bad.

While I had the gennie running I thought I would run a couple of long boards through the planer. I have a  full bag of planer chips in a big paper yard waste bag. I didn’t really need the chopped firewood. That will burn a long time. Better I burn it cause there is black mold on the boards from being out in the rain.  Yes I was wearing my new mask.

The planer takes that and the gray weathering of the boards and makes it look new. I need new blades pretty soon, I forgot the blades can be loosened and rotated 90 degrees. But I like the rough look it is producing on the boards. I wanted my stove cover to look like a shipping crate and I may make all of my kitchen cabinets look like that. I am trying to build a kitchen for the house that can later be moved into the tiny house when it is time. So everything I do now has to come apart for future move.




Just saw this