“The only thing I knew how to do was to keep on keeping on.”

Bob Dylan


I slowed down my van, so as not to scare the flock of swans, geese and ducks. I had my camera  out took six or seven pictures. So I thought. My camera never fired. Sad about that, but it was nice to see them back.

I know its time I bought a digital camera. My old Samsung is wearing out. I could buy one of the new Huaweis with the secret back door for spying built in. But I wont

Yup I did that thing again. I emptied the wheelbarrow. So it had to be filled again. Now that the snow is gone and enough of the wood pile has been chopped I can get to the logs below. Left over from the last logging truck load. Ugly wet poplar wood, been on the ground four or five years. I am not sure if it will light right now. But in a few days it will. Stuff dries fast once indoors.

I could hardly walk going out there my body had just given up all at once. Everything was sore. Nothing worked, chopping was extremely hard. Even the wrist I thought was my good one had given out. I just kept on keeping on till I was inside with the wood again. Fire is cold. I stuff some cardboard and wet bark in there. I hope in a few hours it will dry out. I won’t need the fire right now but later, in the early morning I will.


Working on my kitchen cabinet design.