The filtration system is closer to being done. I had to invent a way to prime the berkey filters. I am using a bottle of clean water. I drilled a hole in the cap and mounted one of the filters. I turned that upside down and nothing. I left it alone and tried again nothing. Twenty minutes later I tried again and success the filter started priming. YA HOOO.

I would be filtering soon. I needed a way to mount the buckets. I had a dream last night, I trust that  since I realized it is a way for my subconscious to communicate to me. The dream said use the old bar stool that I had from a dump pickup. Sometimes I bring more home than I drop off. Especially old doors and windows and furniture.

I drilled a couple of holes in the bar stool. I mounted one of the buckets on the bar stool It was ready to filter. Now I needed a way to mount the primary bucket. I could start filtering right now the berkey filters were mounted and ready to go. I wanted the primary bucket in place first with the sediment filter. Of course I couldn’t wait. I also bought a fine mesh screen, as you see in one of the pictures I have small plants I need to filter out.

I will need to test the water after I am all done but I trust the Berkey filters and that is saying a lot. Since I don’t trust anything.