“The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.”

Marcus Aurelius 

Around me the noise of farmers trying to get seed in the ground I don’t mind. But one was spraying chemicals into the ground and out of spite and the spirit of small-minded harassment, swung his large chemical sprayer on to my property. This isn’t the first time I have caught him doing this.  I went out to check and see if he indeed sprayed my trees, I could find no evidence. It was just another form of harassment. Hundreds of Full throttle truck runs with wide-open exhaust, donuts burned at my corner, donuts burned in the field across from my driveway, attempts to shine lights in to my bedroom late night by his drunken friends, twice. Both times ended with them getting stuck in the ditch. And on and on.

A good question is how they knew that was my bedroom, it means they have broken into my house, how long has this been going on, about five years now. Ever since the 30 year old moved in with his girlfriend on her daddies land. A big farmer that is known for harassing his neighbours.  Spraying trees with chemicals.

Farming so close to fence posts it knocks them out.  One that doesn’t care what he sprays into the air or on the land as long as he can make more profit.

Maybe they think they can scare me off my land, so he can own the whole stretch. They are farming from the highway and on for about three miles now. Except for my little acreage and another. Good luck with that, I have owned this land for twenty years and Lord willing will be here for another twenty.

Perhaps he is trying to impress his money daddy, by harassing a disabled senior.  I wonder if his money Daddy knows how much fuel is being wasted on his bubble gum tour of harassment. Perhaps he is just trying to impress his friends.  Funny thing he is always in a vehicle when he harasses. Maybe it’s a size thing the bigger the vehicle the smaller, well you know the rest.

Lately, he gets his friends to do the dirty work, so he can plead innocence. That would make him a low-level sociopath.  A common bully, a coward, a low-life thug that makes noise then runs. A danger even to his friends or girlfriend. His friends go to jail while he runs free.

I wonder if his friends know that what he is doing is criminal harassment and with me being disabled that makes it a hate crime. I wonder how many of his friends are willing to go to jail for him, And then lose everything they own in the civil suit. My guess is not many. I also wonder how the community will react to the fact he also harassing a Canadian Veteran. Maybe no one will care. I choose to think they will.  It has been my experience so far here in this community. They all know what he is doing and don’t get involved. I am sure some of the thousands of Veterans out there will.

For me, I am starting to feel sorry for him. A poodle barking at the property line. Annoying yes. But since I am losing my hearing it is becoming less of a problem.

The latest thing.  He was seeding his father in-laws  land with his father in laws tractor. He parked ten feet from my driveway with 60 feet of seeders and a big red rubber tracked machine, pretending to fix something. Another attempt to intimidate.



About the chemicals I am thankful that I built the water filtration system when I did. As it takes out the chemicals found in water even rainwater. Especially roundup made by Monsanto, now owed owned by Bayer. Yes like I said before it’s in our oatmeal in high concentrations. It causes cancer, stillborn babies and worse.

Let’s throw a little fluoride into the water, so we die sooner with better teeth. Google all of it.

 I read this today. I find it a little disturbing. You can read the article about how water from water treatment plants is not safe. And no I didn’t bring up the water treatment deaths in Ontario. Or the flint water crisis that exposed 12000 children to high levels of lead. And yes I know this could be propaganda from Berkey trying to scare us into buying more of their filters. You have to make your own decisions.

“It is estimated that by 2050 two-thirds of the world’s human population will depend on drinking water that contains agricultural runoff and/or wastewater from factories and urban areas. So effective water purification methods that are safe will become even more essential in the future.”

Personally I believe it especially after reading about the huge dead zone where the Mississippi enters the gulf, caused by farm chemicals.

I am sure future generations will talk about how stupid we all were for ignoring all this. If we survive what we are doing to the planet and to each other.