Well that’s interesting. I just discovered something about my water. I ran out of rainwater in my collection tank, it needs cleaning anyways, and we haven’t had much rain, the extremely high amount of forest fire smoke is a good indication of that.

Rain Water from there, takes four days to filter through just my berkey filters.

I bought some water from my grocery store I assume reverse osmosis water it took three days to filter 15 litres.

I finally assembled the pre filter. It turns out  the filter housing I had in stock, was a drinking water filter with a ceramic element. I laughed a little when I poured pond water through the screen at the top that managed to take the large plant life, dragonfly nymphs and some mosquito larvae out. What did end up in the bucket was still full of tiny little swimming things and microscopic plant life. So much you couldn’t see the bottom of the 5 gallon bucket.

It’s moving

I laughed again when I saw how slow the water was filtering, one drop at a time. Now I didn’t think this was going to work out being too slow. But it managed to filter 15 litres in 24 hours. I still plan to add a second filter housing inline with a sediment filter. I think that will speed things up.

Update: when I was assembling the prefilter I realized that it was designed for the ceramic filter. I tried to use the sediment filters in the housing they didn’t fit  I had a hard time thinking that Rainfresh would use two different housings for their filters.  Retooling cost would I assume be astronomical. When I removed the clogged ceramic filter a rubber or plastic bushing came out with the ceramic filter. Now the sediment filters fit. The housing was the same except for the rubber bushing. Now the sediment filters fit. So I took out the ceramic for cleaning and replaced that with a sediment filter and ran the water in the pre unit again. It came out yellow but clear and nothing swimming. Then I took that water poured it  through the ceramic filter again and it did pour through a little faster. I am actually producing more water than I am using for the first time. I am stockpiling about a gallon a day.

Now for the exciting news the water from the pond, after going through the ceramic filter, is going through the berkeys in two days. It is faster than the store bought water which surprised me quite a bit and worried me at the same time. What was in the store bought water that was causing it ran through slowly.

Berkey filters installed in a food safe bucket. Later that will be stainless

I did try at the beginning of this project to run pond water directly through the berkeys that was a disaster, the berkey immediately clogged and didn’t produce anything.

Now does this  remove all the toxic chemicals from the farm for profit don’t give a damn about the environment farmers around me. I don’t know I will have to have my water tested. I am sure the berkeys are doing what they say it will do. In the end of all this I got pure water with no smells or tastes.

Don’t forget to google the Sask farmer suing Monsanto for his cancer. Even some farmers are figuring out they were lied to. Wake up roundup is not safe. It is in our rainwater and our oatmeal. Quaker you are lying about your food it isn’t safe especially for children. Boycott them until they change their choices in Oats.

A big finger to Bayer who now owns Monsanto. Within ten years 2/3 rds of the worlds water supply will be contaminated with farm chemicals made by them.

We will all have to filter our water. I am curious to see what store bought bottled water will do in the berkeys. I will have to try that.

I know this song is a repeat but I like it take care.

some other posts about my water filtration attempts
Apr 8 2019 Honk N Water
Apt 27 2019 Filter fail
Mar 25 2019 Safe pipes
Mar 22 2019 Filter designed
Mar 14 2019 Water