“This mug of mine is as plain as a barn door. Why should people pay 35 cents to look at it?”

Spencer Tracy

Today is install barn door hardware day. It was actually cheaper to buy the hardware then make it out of parts you buy or find. Not if you buy from home Depot or home hardware. Amazon has a lot more selection better quality at less than half price or more. I ordered it 4 days ago.

So far the rollers are installed.  Had to take a break, lungs hurt, and I am short of breath. Could just be the smoke from the forest fires we are under another smoke alert. We will see, if it gets worse I will make it in to the hospital. Really hate going there.


I will add more, as I get more done.

Attaching the track soon

Door is mounted and rolling.

For now enjoy this bit of history.
yup born in a different time, the beginning of the space race which spawned the information age. And don’t forget killer bees they were released in the same city I was born in at the same time.