“On the seventh day, they blew their horns and the walls came tumbling down”

Joshua 6


I was back working on my reno in my shop today. It was a nervous day. I had to cut the last two supports, so I could put a beam up. Then I needed to put in supports on top of the beam, so the roof didn’t fall. If it wasn’t for a couple of deer that roof would have fallen in on me.

When I started to take down the wall, I started tearing out the studs, As I worked two deer walked up to the window not five feet from me. Curious to see what I was up to. I stopped work for a while to watch them. After they left I looked up at the work I was doing. Taking down a wall I built 15 years before.

I looked up at the top of the wall and I could see the wrong end of lag bolts. It was a bad thing. It means the roof where I was working was supported by the studs I was taking out. No studs no support roof falls in. I stop work on the wall until now I had to come up with a way to support the roof during the reno and after. It took me a while but I came up with a way to do that. Will it work? I will let you after the heavy snowfall this winter.

I tried to cut one and put up a temporary beam, then I had plans to cut the other and swing the beam into place. It didn’t work, I hit the beam and it fell on my head, a 12 foot 6 inch 2×10  fell from ten feet up and hit me in the head. I survived that. No concussion. Miracle? Maybe, bigger miracle is the roof didn’t fall in.

I have three more supports to put and then the roof is safe.

I will add stiffeners after I clean up the debris. I also have to remove the moldy fiberglass insulation. I use rockwool now no mold.

I can’t believe that much came out of one wall.