“Ignorance is the curse of God; knowledge is the wing wherewith we fly to heaven.”

William Shakespeare

I started to write about big pharma, big food corporations, GMO’s Facebook and other companies digital privacy ethics.

Today I realized no one cares. No one wants to hear about the connections between cancers, the food we eat, the medicines we take. I just learned on the Greenpeace website some of our pet foods are made by human traffickers. No one cares.

It really doesn’t matter, I do, so I will continue to look for better ways to live. I have to, my health isn’t that great, I believe I can turn that around just by eating better and avoiding pharma, I hope to find ways to make my pet’s lives healthier while I do that.

I have already started by making better water to drink. Next step, find out who makes what and look at their history are they ethical, or just profit-minded. I will work on one company at a time and try to learn what I can.

I hope I survive that.