“Smell the roses. Smell the coffee. Whatever it is that makes you happy.”

Rita Moreno

Another day, and I am above ground, having coffee and cereal. 6 A.M.

Something new, the cats didn’t wake me. I woke and saw sunshine and took a few pics. We haven’t seen much sun this summer, more rain fell than any year since 1982.

Only a few downpours, but nothing like I saw one year, it rained so hard here that my entire veg garden was washed away. My dugout (pond for you non-Albertans) filled nearly two feet in an hour.

But the rain and storms will be back this afternoon and continue the rest of the week.

I went to town to pick up parcels and while I was there had my BP checked 125/85 according to the internet my BP is average for a 50-year-old. I am 62, I still plan on getting a Bp cuff for home, I have one sitting in my Amazon shopping cart. I also had my pharmacist order some cholesterol tests and a diabetes check. Both my parents had Diabetes.