“I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It’s not. Mine had me trained in two days.”

Bill Dana

Just did the horrible job. I couldn’t put it off any longer. I had to grind and cut a huge piece of metal off the top of my woodstove. It was always a pain in the ass. It keeps heat from getting to the top of the stove. That made simple things like cooking melting snow almost impossible. It’s sole function was to get you to buy the overpriced fan to fit on the back.

Now the complication I inherited three orange cats and a few others when I took in a pregnant stray last winter It was her gift to me. Just what I needed.

Cute little pee machine

Now since in the late spring and summer I don’t have to heat the house, the woodstove is cold. It makes a really great place for the orange cats to sit on. Not only sit on but pee on. I found that out when I burned a little paper garbage in there one day. Took hours for the smell to go away.

After a half-hour of grinding.  I pulled off the metal. I was not prepared for what was under it.

A 1/2 inch of cat hair, rust and old cat pee. I took the grinder to that and then a flap wheel. Looking back I should have looked for the old box fan and put it in the window. I filled the house with super fine rusty cat pee dust. Not very pleasant.

The worst part I don’t have any stove paint I will have to do it again when I get some.


I completed a lap in 5 minutes but I did a short sprint, that might have been pushing it. I felt my heart trying to escape my chest Alien1 style. So I slowed the machine down and this time even slowed it down at the end for a cool down I seem to remember that was a good plan.