“Two things are bad for the heart – running up stairs and running down people.”

Bernard Baruch

Treadmill: I did two laps in ten minutes. I am slowly increasing the distance and speed. No use dying trying to get healthier. If I read that right I just fast-walked a half a mile. More than I have done in a long while.

I missed yesterday we had two kinds of rain pouring and heavy downpour. I need to build a better generator box. I couldn’t start my gen in that weather. Before I can do that I need to rebuild my back deck, before I do that I need to remove a lot of Reno debris, before I do that I need five days of dry weather. DID I mention it has rained almost every day continuously since the snow melted? At least that job is started. My trailer is full, but tires on the old van, means the conditions need to be right to get it out of the back yard. I need new rear tires before winter they are on sale right now, but I am sure they will be gone by the time I get there like last time.

That’s it for now