“There is a time in the last few days of summer when the ripeness of autumn fills the air.”

Rudolfo Anaya

Just did my treadmill. I did my first quarter-mile in 3:44 the second I am sure took twice that had to slow down. Still having a had a hard time with my lungs. It got worse after having curry that was a little too strong , I think I burnt my throat a little. I hope that’s all it was. Good things I was less dizzy getting off the machine than the last few days. I hope that means I am making progress. I may never go faster, still have a bad ankle and two bad knees from car accidents gone by. Can’t get them fixed without a family doctor no doctors will take me on. What a stupid medical system. It’s free but you can’t get healthcare.

While I set up the gen, I did notice the cool weather, it is certainly fall here. I will be cutting firewood and chopping soon. I needed to get moving on the shop clean up the wood stove in there has stuff piled all over it. That is the current location of the treadmill, no heat will make using not fun when it hits -52.

Snow came come anytime now. The picture below is another year when fall and winter got mixed up.