“I, like Don Quixote, have fought many a windmill.”

Dan Pena


Well, it’s here a 12-foot 4-inch 1 1/2 inch steel pole with my wind gen flange welded to the end is here at home. Still left to do drill holes through the pole for mounting, maybe try to weld flanges to the thing for securing it to the wall and then paint it. Yeah, you guessed it, paint it black. Because I have black in stock. I think.

Welding will be interesting since I haven’t welded since high school. I bought a cheap welder a couple of years ago and left it in my woodwork shop.

That was a mistake because I got a new roof leak there right over the welder. I haven’t looked inside to see if there is damage. I have left it for a year, I hope it is functional. The alternative is to keep paying the welder to do more work. Which won’t happen till the end of the month and Snow is coming soon.

Fall doesn’t last more than a week or two here and then the snow rushes in and stays. It won’t be fun putting up the wind gen on a sheet metal roof with snow on it. I don’t think it will be fun putting it up no matter what. The pole is a lot heavier than I thought it would be. When I add the weight of the wind generator, it will be precarious. Now I gotta google that word, I really forgot what it really means hahahaha. The word is perfect.

not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

I am hoping the wind generator will help charge the solar battery bank with the short winter days that are coming very soon. I do have a couple of other idea one is to convert a mountain bike into a portable charger on a stand, yea gives me exercise The other is interesting I found a man on YouTube that converted his treadmill to become a charger.

Just add that to the four thousand other things that need doing. 😀

What I couldn’t help it. I am sorry about those under Dorian no offence meant Prayers are with you