“Tears come from the heart and not from the brain.”

Leonardo da Vinci



Well, the old girl wouldn’t start without a funnel and some gasoline poured down her throat.

Off and running I make a quick visit to the post office. I picked up my parcel that has been sitting there for a few days. My new blood pressure monitor, my low fat powdered milk and an electrical meter meant to monitor my wind gen output if I can get it installed before the snows of winter. I made the drive into the town, grabbed a quick coffee to go, and pull into the hospital parking lot.

Here I am occupying a room in the ER. Once again.  The chest pains came back again last night.

I don’t expect that things will change. My emergency room visits are rarely productive. I have been here an hour and half. Still, haven’t seen a doctor.

My EKG was of course normal. As it always is. I do have some renewed hope as I waited, I  read a story about a woman and her very persistent doctor.

Her EKG, stress test, angiograms all normal, but she continued to have chest pains. She had a problem with smaller blood vessels in her heart that were actually being constricted by the heart muscle itself. Something called a myocardial bridge.

I will spend some time reading about that today.

Well, I just got a very big surprise. The Doctor listened. The poor man listened to me spout off about all the things I had to say. I felt bad I talked his ear off.

I talked about all the theories of all the things that might be wrong with my health.
For a good ten minutes, I shared all there was, all that I knew from reading and research.

He patiently listened to all of it and I apologized for the stream of verbal diarrhea. He said he liked to meet interesting people, I am sure that was a nice way to say, I was a little cracked and maybe I am, but I am not one of the herd, the sheeple. The ones that don’t question anyone in authority, the real zombies of the world.

He was very polite and cordial about the whole thing. It was not what I was used to. At all. He also told me it was too late to test for troponin levels, it was not.

Now I sit and wait for results of a chest x-ray. Elapsed time since arrival 3 hours. One of my shorter visits. Xrays are clear so far, all the tests normal. None of my health problems definitively explained I go home. It didn’t matter cause someone listened. Maybe that was what I really needed. I already know that most healing takes place in the mind and body, not the pills. A doctor told me once I would never walk again, he did 12 hours of surgery on one knee of mine. Because of the fine work that man did, I am walking today and even was able to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

Another told me that I would never be able to lift more than four pounds. That surgeon’s work wasn’t as good as the first one. I feel pain when I do either, but I am walking and still chopping 500 pounds of wood, by hand a day, every day once the snow arrives. I know this year will be harder because of my joints are wearing out.

oh yeah did I mention I really dislike being told what I can and can’t do

Next, I wait for the referrals given. Ultrasound of my carotids, my heart and the all famous stress test. I get to do more of what I am already attempting to do.

Run on a treadmill.

Take care and be safe